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    Thursday, June 4, 2020

    Everquest How does this video only have 16k views? Holy hell.

    Everquest How does this video only have 16k views? Holy hell.

    How does this video only have 16k views? Holy hell.

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 07:43 PM PDT

    Creating your own custom spell icons. (Or how I learnt to box three classes with little or no previous xp)

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 11:23 AM PDT

    This is an offshoot from my previous post:



    I have three heroic characters (SK, Mag & Shm) that I have been learning to box despite having no real experience playing these classes. Druid is my normal goto class with a healthy side order of Monk.


    This meant that there were an absolute ton of spells, AAs and Discs to learn as well as which of these required a target(s) and which did not. I also tend to mostly play with a mouse and only use the keyboard for a few things.


    I set up a UI layout on one of the characters and fine tuned it until I was comfortable with it and then used /copylayout to duplicate on the other two characters.


    I then set up hot-keys on the hotbars for AAs, Discs and Macros. In order to make the character easier to learn all of the hotkey text was changed from fanciful to descriptive. e.g. AA AE DD or +Hate or Taunt + DD etc.


    I then wanted to change the text color of each AA Hotkey White (no target required), Yellow (Self target required), Red (Single target required) or Purple (AE, Target required). This is not possible.


    The next option was to create a macro for each AA and use /alt act xxx inside the macro. However I was less than satisfied with this solution as you lose the AA and Disc cool-down timer which is really useful and the amount of effort to create that number of socials was not appealing given three classes.


    The final option was to assign spell icons. Despite there being over 2000 icons available, I wasn't really able to find a set that I liked and or worked with my mid 50's year old declining eyesight.


    Google, some very old web sites and posts and a fair bit of experimentation later I built some custom spell icons that did the job:

    My setup: https://u.cubeupload.com/io_thanateros/HotbarsLoadUIIcons.jpg

    Green - no target required
    Blue Box on green background - Pet spell, no target required.
    Red Box on green background - Target required (self, other, pet or mob)
    Purple Box on green background - AE effect, target required (self, other, pet or mob)


    Disclaimer: Follow the steps below at your own risk!


    Method: Create a subfolder in whichever folder the uifiles game directory is. On my PC the folder is: C:\users\public\Daybreak Games Company\Installed Games\EverQuest\uifiles The folder you create should contain no subfolders and the folder name should have no spaces.


    My custom folder was: C:\users\public\Daybreak Games Company\Installed Games\EverQuest\uifiles\CustomIcons


    The installed icons are stored in ...\EverQuest\uifiles\default\SpellsXX.tga where XX = 01 to 63. Each file is a sheet of tiled icons that comprise the 2000+ icons available.


    I copied Spells63.tga from ...\uifiles\default to ...uifiles\CustomUI. It is the contents of the copied file that can be edited to create custom icons.


    Edit the Spells63.tga file. Gimp (https://www.gimp.org/downloads/ ) is a totally free image editor capable of editing this file format.


    When saving your changes use the export to TGA option and with zero file compression.


    In EverQuest use the /loadskin command. You will see a list of available UI's available; default, classic_spell_icons and CustomUI amongst others). Select CustomIcons, making sure that the 'keep your layout' button is depressed and wait a minute or so.


    To test, go to assign icon on the hotbar hotkey and look for the icons at the bottom.


    My Spells63.tga file:




    Some design considerations


    I wanted to make sure that any cool-down counter was visible. This is a transparent red overlay on the button. It doesn't combine well with many other colors and the white text label of the AA hotkey. Green worked out the best for my crap eyesight. I tested maybe a dozen combos and did some research on color wheels and basically this was the best I could find.


    Edited for formatting and link testing

    submitted by /u/io_thanateros
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    Kicked to Server Select when I zone.

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 07:37 PM PDT

    All day today, I've been kicked to Server Select when I zone.

    When I eventually log back in, I'm sometimes either immediately kicked back to server select, or my character is located on the *far* side of a zone line, meaning that I'm at the edge of the world and need to cross a zone line just to move about the zone I'm in. This means I have to zone -- which means I get dumped to server select.

    Anyone else? Any ideas?

    I think this next time I'll select "Return Home" from character select and hope that the zone in to that works.

    submitted by /u/bluexavi
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    How’s the catch-up game like on Live for a 105 Wizzie with Max AA as of TDS (I’m Naenia of Erollisi Marr)

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 07:48 PM PDT

    Hey everyone!! As the thread title implies, how tough would it be (and how long would it take) for me to catch up on Live (my Wizzie "Naenia" is on Erollisi Marr) if the last expansion I played was The Darkened Sea? I'm a 105 Wizzie with Max AA as of TDS and fully Arx Mentis geared.

    Ideally I'd love to experience all of the content I've missed since TDS, so working on progression from TBM and beyond would be nice (I quit shortly after TBM's release). Is this feasible however? I don't box and my Wizzie is my only character, and I typically follow the Asian timezone.

    I'll say off the bat that I'm quite a hardcore player though. I cleared TDS with self-organized pickup groups (since finding a guild in my timezone is usually a big challenge), but my mantra has always been "play one character and play that character really well," hence why I'm usually reliant on groups for progression in order to experience most of what an expansion has to give. I'm currently pondering returning to EverQuest, though I'm unsure if I'll continue on Live or just start a new character on Aradune.

    While I'm quite fond of old-world EverQuest, I do really like how Wizards have shaped up to become in later expansions (particularly with the number of active AA's that make playing the class well an extremely rewarding experience). So I fear that things might get quite boring for me on TLP servers. Plus I was very heavily invested in my original character, so it'll be quite tough to let go of everything I've already earned (especially my Ornate Chain Bridle haha, I'll never forget how slow moving around was in the earlier days).

    Having said that I may still give Aradune a shot. Last I checked the population on Erollisi Marr wasn't too great, and I doubt any of my old friends are even playing anymore. It would also be an ideal way to experience some other expansions I've missed (due to having taken a number of breaks here and there I never fully experienced content between SoF and VoA — expansions which seem really awesome — though I did group there when I last played catching up), but I'm not sure if Aradune will even make it that far.

    Let me know what you guys think! And if there's anyone here who knows me, please let me know! I really regret not having kept in touch with so many of my friends on Erollisi Marr, and I'll never forget all of the great moments we've had together. Weeeee...


    submitted by /u/NaeniaEM
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    Shock of Lightning

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 07:35 PM PDT

    Why is it so BAD? For over double the mana cost of Shock of Ice (23 vs 50) your reward is less than a 50% damage increase (50 vs 74). You finally get to level 10 and this shit spell robs you of any joy.

    When does the DPM of wiz nukes start to make sense?

    submitted by /u/Reynoodlepoodle
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    Ui Advice and help

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 06:19 PM PDT

    I'm looking for an upgrade to the spell gems. I'd like something that is larger so I can read the spells. If you are familiar with duxaui for p99, that is the style I'm looking for. If you know of one that works well with live tlps I'm all ears!

    Also I've searched EQ interface but I'm not sure what currently still works etc as I've been gone from live for a long time.

    submitted by /u/Drewdwn3434
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    Aradune -Your Login cannot be validated

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 06:00 PM PDT

    Has anybody else seen this message today? I'm happy the queue times are down today but I've still spent the past two and a half hours in queue after being punted twice with this message. I can get to the character select screen and then I get "Your Login Cannot Be Validated" and booted back to desktop. This has happened twice this afternoon/night in a row.

    submitted by /u/MandoFire
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    Guild hall portal question

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 03:18 PM PDT

    I play on Test and have not been on live for at least 15+ years so I don't have a "live player" mentality.

    Do people get temperamental about guild hall portals? Are people allowed to change the destination whenever they want or do they need to ask permission or is there a teleport hierarchy? Do people get angry or get in arguments about someone changing the portal?

    submitted by /u/Draxtonsmitz
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    Linux [Proton/Steam] - Anyone fixed frequent disconnect shortly after login?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 02:54 PM PDT

    As title....

    I want to give EQ a shot and see what I may have missed out on. I installed on my laptop using Proton/Steam, alongside the protontricks fixes.

    However, shortly after logging in - I always get 'You have been disconnected' and taken to the black screen.

    Has anyone playing on Linux found a workaround for this at all?

    submitted by /u/VanityR
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    Ranger Question (Live Server)

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 07:58 AM PDT

    It's been ages since I've played. Once I get endless quiver, do I ever need to craft arrows again? Is it still worth getting fletching up in this day and age? I just hit level 50.

    submitted by /u/Kerafyrm1
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