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    Friday, June 5, 2020

    Everquest What is the best race in all of Everquest?

    Everquest What is the best race in all of Everquest?

    What is the best race in all of Everquest?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 04:07 PM PDT

    Was having a discussion in our guild discord about which race is the master race in EQ. The disagreement caused me to make this post. So putting all classes to the side - Which race is the best of all the races in EQ?

    Starting cities, design, models, overall stats, height, good/evil - use whatever you need to make you decision and point valid.

    submitted by /u/xgirthquake
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    Over a week of "There was an error completing your request. Please try again."

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 07:19 PM PDT

    I installed EQ for the first time in a decade to try the new servers. Every day I try to login, the launcher gives this error: https://i.imgur.com/dCisTfM.png

    My ticket with the shit-awful caretakers of SOE's once proud legacy took a week before a monkey sent me the first line of the support manual, suggesting that I reinstall the game.

    Is this just par for the course with modern EQ?s

    submitted by /u/orders1-65
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    Game closing when AFK

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 05:06 PM PDT

    Is anyone else experiencing this? When I am AFK for a time the game closes instantly without warning. This never happened before the latest patch.

    submitted by /u/Horzzo
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    Planes of Power Raid Info

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 04:21 PM PDT

    Are there any good raiding guides out there for the encounters that maybe list a walk through, and information about the encounter? I find information but its scattered and there is no one place where it is centralized for easy reference.

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/JJNevermore
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    Low leve 2h magic hammer

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 02:59 PM PDT

    Coming back after a very very long time and I remember there was a way to get a pretty decent 2h magic hammer from a quest killing sirens at lower levels(like 8-10 I think) i wanna say it was something like the butcher block hammer or akin to that, it was a great Druid leveling weapon.

    Does anyone know what I'm talking about? Please note it was featured in a Druid leveling guid...more than 20 years ago.

    submitted by /u/Ceraphim1983
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    Thoughts on the Everquest Tabletop Books?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 01:17 AM PDT

    Hello everyone :)

    I am someone in my late 20s who had played EQ 1 and 2 for brief periods of my youth. They were enjoyable but with many changes over the years I am much more of a writer and role player. I have learned there are EQ books, I was curious if anyone knows how lore friendly they are for people who don't know much about EQ?

    I have a little nerd dream of playing a PbP (Post by Post) game of EQ some day and I need to be able to give my DM a source of lore to work with, would the books that were published be enough to explain the world or would they be better off disregarding the books and reading other sources of EQ lore?

    For those who are familiar with table top games, what neutral setting system would function best for a game of EQ?

    In total I suppose I'm asking those who are knowing of EQ and table top games what are all the things that I would need to make an EQ game viable without necessarily having to play the game system within the books?

    While I know nothing of the Everquest lore its aesthetic and vibrantly colored high fantasy have always captivated me. Within the lore, what tone and conflict is the most overt within the lore of Everquest? What is the heart of the lore about? Please don't trouble yourselves with long detailed answers, I'm seeking heart of the matter perspectives about Everquest lore! :)

    This is only my second thread I've posted on Reddit, I am still new to the controls...I apologize if there is any awkwardness on my part.

    submitted by /u/Septembersister
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    Live server question

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 07:02 AM PDT

    Hello! Since I left EQ after we finished GoD I have only played on TLPs. This time when I returned I started a fresh account and got a free level 85 to make somewhere. As I haven't seen really anything past Gates of Discord, I figured why not!


    1) any suggestions on a server that has a decent enough player base that I don't have to solo entirely?

    2) are any classes so drastically different in later expansions that my knowledge or classic-GoD wouldn't suffice?


    submitted by /u/Rhuiner
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