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    Friday, July 10, 2020

    Everquest DnD style one-off sessions.

    Everquest DnD style one-off sessions.

    DnD style one-off sessions.

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 05:53 PM PDT

    Just wanted to share something I successfully tried with some RL friends (some who'd never played). Used Akkadius' eqemu installer to easily host a basic LAN server with gm privileges and accounts set to automake. Had friends bring laptops, used my files to copy ui/map/layout/server&portconfigs (will try to fit it on thumbdrives next time)

    Gave them an option of newbie dungeons (we did blackburrow). They rolled toons, #level everyone to five, #scribespells, #setallskills, gave them each a bag of newbie armor, summoned everyone to north qeynos and let them figure out how to play on the run to the dungeon. When someone dies, #summon them back to the group. They could purchase offclass buffs for platinum they found, and /random whenever we killed a named mob for #gi gear rewards. Invis the group for bio/smoke breaks. Spent a few hours drinking, talking, and euthanizing gnolls. Called it a night when we saved the baby in the snake pit and ran it back to joseph sayer.

    I dont know jack about database queries, networking, or scripting... but this was very easy to do, thanks to the folks at peq.

    submitted by /u/thinknaught
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    Another Returning Player post - thanks for reading!

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 09:22 PM PDT

    Hey there everyone, I've got that EQ itch again and I'm hoping to get back into it and actually boxing successfully this time around. I've come back here and there, did the live server, F2P with moloing, Test server, FV, it was a great time although I had a difficult time learning all the skills, AAs, spells, etc. so I never made it much past level 75ish on a SK, even with Mortal Coil swarming, due to how fast I was able to level and how quickly I accumulated all the above, not to mention augmentations and power sources!

    It appears that there are two TLPs that recently opened up and are about to hit Kunark, which is pretty much where I entered into EQ at some 18+ years ago. I am hoping to do two computers, two separate monitors, with two accounts on each and play Aradune. As I read the website, I believe I'm within the ruleset for that sever since, "Boxing any more than 2 characters will result in the following actions taken against your account" – Everquest.com, am I understanding that correctly?

    My four group would be Enchanter, Magician, Necromancer or Shadowknight, Bard. I never played any of these characters during my younger years, I was either a warrior or cleric. I'm not going for a min/max, just a one man wrecking crew who will happily invite others along for the ride! I would say once the I reach raiding points in the end game I'll be able to utilize each one separately for higher end content or solo on my own waiting for one of my classes to get picked up as needed. I might consider a Druid for ports/heals/buffs but I just never allowed myself to play casters since I always wanted to be able to get a group instantly opposed to playing the game how I truly wanted too.

    Also, this game is 20 years old, and from what I gather the tech required is minimal to run this game, even at higher settings. I was looking at getting into this whole set up with ready-made computers, since I'm not very tech savvy myself. I found these on Amazon and figured they might fit the bill for portability as well as functionality for most of my playing, although will this work for the occasional raiding?

    Mini computer - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B082VZP76P/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=A19DTZHT4S76Z5&psc=1

    Thank you again for reading – I would love to hear any input you might add or maybe direct me in a different, although similar, direction if any of what I said seems to resonate with you too! Especially any computer recommendations if this one is way off base!


    Can I play on Aradune with two computers, two separate accounts each, for a total of two two-box computers?

    If you could make a four box what would it be?

    Will this mini-computer linked above be able to handle most of the single group game play with the occasional raiding?

    submitted by /u/notsoawesome1
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    95 Necro pet problem

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 02:43 PM PDT

    Just got my level 95 pet spell, cast an Imprint of the Enhanced Minion, and cast him up. Showed up as a lvl 93 dark blue. The level 92 spell, Van Reidel's Shade, also gave me a 93 pet with EM XIII. Is there a better EM that I can get or is the EM 13 having a negative effect? Seems there is a large jump from 13 to 18 or something and the level requirement jumps from 86 to 100. Am I missing something?

    submitted by /u/atlas_nodded_off
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    First time NEC...Any tips or guides?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 12:03 PM PDT

    I think I'm going to go with the defiant armor line for awhile, but my concern is more regarding the spells. Do I need them all per level? Is there a subset of them I need to have? Any advice (on these topics or generally) would be greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/ChiTownTeaBagger
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    Suggestions for a player like me?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 06:35 AM PDT

    I played on live until about GoD. Then didn't really like the direction the game was going/tried other games. I played on p99 for a few years since I was missing that nostalgic feeling. Then I recently made an account back on here to try aradune out.

    I made a bard and got him to about 25 before I quit. The experience was...interesting. It was a lot of pick hopping and people constantly tripping over each other and stealing camps. I felt like I spent more time pick hopping then actually playing the game which kind of turned me off. So I quit and moved on to other stuff. I thought I canceled my sub but apparently i didn't so I just had a new month renew. I'm not against trying again (or a different server). But I'm looking for something with a similar difficulty level. Ive kind of stayed away from live because I heard you just get a merc and stomp everything and that isn't really what I'm looking for.

    Any suggestions for a player like me who is both looking for some level of difficulty but not a server where I won't be able to find a group?

    Ldon was probably my favorite expansion. If I could jump on for an hour or two. Run 1-2 dungeons get maybe a level and some ldon points towards an upgrade that would be cool.

    What do you guys think? Should i try aradune now that things have calmed down some? Is there some other server that isnt just solo merc'ing everything in sight?

    submitted by /u/Tasisway
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