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    Saturday, July 11, 2020

    Everquest I don't think I can keep playing on Aradune

    Everquest I don't think I can keep playing on Aradune

    I don't think I can keep playing on Aradune

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 06:52 AM PDT

    I played eq from kunark to PoP but haven't since. I was young and not great at it, but I still consider it one of my favorite gaming experiences. No other game, even other MMOs, will ever touch my emotions like eq does.

    After giving Aradune a try since launch, I pushed through all the server issues. I talked some real life friends into joining me. I kept saying that nothing was going to stop me from seeing things like plane of sky, which I've never seen. I was committed to ride this server out to see all of the PoP content I loved.

    So why am I leaving? I'm a school teacher. I spend most days trying to teach children to share, be respectful, and think of others as much as yourself. I see so little of that in this server. Multiple times I've had someone train my group getting exp, and take the spot we were camping in. People constantly are contesting quest mobs I'm already engaged with. I could list a lot more experiences that left me baffled.

    The response I got almost every time I asked someone why was, "well maybe get good" or, "this is how the game works so don't whine about it."

    My friends also quit for their own reasons, whether it was having a terrible time finding a group for not playing an 'optimal' class or my other friend just seeing too many people in general chat saying trolly hateful things.

    Maybe I'm looking at the past with rose colored glasses, but I don't think I can spend my leisure time in a world that makes my blood pressure so high.


    The server seems selfish compared to how I remember eq, so I'm calling it quits.

    submitted by /u/Max_Powarr
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    Everquest Runes of Kunark Cloth Map

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 12:12 PM PDT

    Hi all! I have spotted multiple instances of people asking around for EQ cloth maps. So I figured I would share this on here just in case anyone is actively trying to track one down.


    Apologies if this is against the rules, if so please remove!

    I kept my UO map and framed it for that nostalgic kick every time I see it <3

    submitted by /u/LettersToNeptune
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    What to start playing today, but what server should I choose?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 09:43 PM PDT

    So I am brand new to EQ. Made my first toon a few days ago and only level 7 in the starting area. But as I read about EQ I keep hearing about progression servers.

    My main question is, which server should I being playing on to start? Or where can I find in on the forums or anything like that.

    submitted by /u/Steamboat_wille
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    Could I get an ELi5 on the best method gathering and maintaining aggro as a Warrior Main Tank for raiding?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 03:18 PM PDT

    Title basically explains, but just the basics on when to taunt, provoke, spam jboots, call in DPS, etc.

    Also if dual SSoYs with Wulfenite augs are best to use.

    Edit: Wondering for TLP/classic. Should have said that in the title, whoops.

    submitted by /u/PaleGutCK
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    Aradune - Fresh 50 Cleric looking for camping spots

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 07:11 AM PDT

    Anyone have any recommendations of places to camp for plat or gear as a fresh 50 cleric? I'd particularly love somewhere with undead considering that's practically the only mob type I'm even sort of effective against

    submitted by /u/inmanaustine
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    Berserker epic(s)?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 06:47 AM PDT

    New to the class and after some stumbling around I am about to hit 110. Are the berserker epics worth going after still?I hear some classes are a must have and others meh. Looking for some input before I invest the time. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/lexofrost
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