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    Sunday, July 19, 2020

    Everquest EQ bards invented the mashup song genre

    Everquest EQ bards invented the mashup song genre

    EQ bards invented the mashup song genre

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 10:05 AM PDT

    Change my mind

    submitted by /u/vespenegas108
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    Another re-noob question for you about Daily Adventures

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 09:31 PM PDT

    Alright, I'm getting back into the swing of things and re-learning everything I forgot over the past few years. Enjoying the heck out of this game again.

    I stumbled upon the Daily Adventures given by one of the Teek guys in PoK. For my first few days back, he didn't give me anything, but I kept trying and after a few days he gave me two 40 hour tasks that spilled into a number of sub-tasks. I did a few of the ones that put me in neo-west karana and enjoyed the heck out of them. But the past couple days I'm given tasks that I'm just not able to start. For instance, today he gave me one and it immediately said "you are not the correct level for this" (even though I read that these are supposed to scale to your level?). It was in PoHealth and I tried going through the apparent pre-req quests to no avail and dead ends.

    So, my TL;DR question is: Can anyone ELI5 how these daily adventures work? Did I just get lucky with some that I could do?


    submitted by /u/Studiorion
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    Trello board w/ raid target info

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 10:46 AM PDT

    Does anyone know how to contact the people who run this trello board? https://trello.com/b/wlxkRqnA/everquest-raid-targets

    I've been using it for years (super useful!) and they just archived the classic-luclin era stuff. I'd love if there was some way I could get my hands on a copy of this information (tried the wayback machine and failed).

    Anyhow if you are those guys, know those guys, or have this information I would be extremely grateful to you for sharing.

    submitted by /u/trancefate
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    Mangler 2-3box?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 06:06 PM PDT

    Hello looking for help to setup a 3 box the one thing I want to stay is my bard. I've been thinking of doing necro bard mage, sk bard sham , monk bard sham, pally bard Druid, beast bard Druid but don't have a lot of experience what's going to allow me to do the most group content when I can't find groups?

    submitted by /u/Viric
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    Beastlord Pet picture?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 05:38 PM PDT

    Any pictures of each races pet/warder? I'm debating about which race to pick and the pet's look is important to me when picking. I'm totally new to EQ and need to pick to play with some friends soon. I did see you could maybe purchase an illusion to change it later if you didn't like it, is that true?

    A troll and gator sounds cool but it looks like that was changed to a lizard that less people liked? Any pictures?

    submitted by /u/Beaverhausen27
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    Noob question, rogue attacks other than throw rock?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 05:16 AM PDT

    Hey guys. New to the game but am enjoying it so far. My noob question is is there any other attacks or abilities other than throw rock and elbow strike? I'm level 7 and other than those two all I do in combat is auto attack. I like the game, but this is very boring to me I'd like at least 2 buttons to press throw rock doesn't even really do anything and the spell guys in gloomingdeep only has 1 more ability which is a heal or something at level 10.sorry of this is in the wrong page

    submitted by /u/Nyctinlol
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    Whats the point in not allowing users to post pictures in this subreddit?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 08:51 AM PDT

    TLP Epic 1.5/2.0 item gathering

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 01:56 PM PDT

    On Mangler. Does anyone know for a fact if any/all epic mobs/ground spawns are up currently in GoD or do I have to wait for OoW for them?

    submitted by /u/MisterDomino15
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    Aradune - Vets of Norrath Casual Sat/Sun raid guild. Downed all content except Island 5-8 of PoSky.

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 01:36 PM PDT

    Server: Aradune

    Guild: Vets of Norrath

    Raid type: Casual (but serious about clearing all raid content)

    Raid times: Saturday and Sunday 8p-11p CST (9p-12a) EST.

    Loot system: Closed bid DKP, 2k cap, no decay on expansion.

    Joining: Message Talimat in game, or on discord at Talimat#0434

    Discord: https://discord.gg/7maucdb

    We are a close knit family oriented guild. We play by old school rules, we do not condone camp stealing, training, ect. We have an experienced raid/leadership team and a mix of new and experienced raiders.

    We have cleared Vox, Naggy, Phinny, Yael, full PoHate including Innoruuk, and full PoFear including Cazic Thule. We are currently raiding Posky on Saturdays and PoHate on Sundays, with PoFear on off nights to keep folks gearing up. We have a pretty balanced group of folks, but due to being casual, have a flux in attendance each raid. Our lowest has been 54 with the highest being 60. We'd like to pick up the numbers, get a few more clerics, rangers and the rest are open to anything.

    Discord is required to raid, no exceptions. We do not batphone, we rarely open world. Mainly we are popping DZ's. We do not run like a hardcore raid guild, if that's what you are looking for, we aren't for you. Otherwise, hit up Talimat.

    Talimat Bonfar

    Guild Leader

    Vets of Norrath

    submitted by /u/Talimat75
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    What are good money camps for levelungleveling on FV?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 07:10 AM PDT

    My friends and I are leveling a group on FV and we ran into a side effect of the xp bonus - we are leveling faster than the ability to collect enough cash to buy our spells. Are there any particular methods outside of selling Kronos? So far serpent spine has the best cash, but also the fastest leveling; are hill giants still good in rathe? Or are there better camps? Lvl 30ish at the moment.

    submitted by /u/ZorgoNox
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    Can you use a merc in Plane of Time raid?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 09:52 AM PDT

    My mercs disappear when I zone in to start the raid. I have screenshots from 10 years ago that show some mercs in time though.

    submitted by /u/Noonbug
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    I woke the last sleeper on live servers. And 7 years later i am still happy.

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 12:42 PM PDT

    After my guild from project1999 decided to go play on the Eqmac server that was PoP locked, knowing they had never killed quarm we set out on a mission. At first the servers community looked passed but once we got one kill from being Potime flagged. The top guilds on that sever used exploits to keep us from getting our last flag for RZ. After months of trying to do the raid in every time zone, all through the week. They still using exploits to train us. We decided to move on and since they couldn't handle friendly competition. Me and a few friends woke the sleeper who had been asleep for 20 years. Here is a video of that awesome day. I will never forget it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdb4IMoFBmI

    submitted by /u/Lulzughey
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    The struggling Shaman..

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 08:44 AM PDT

    Hey fellas. Just recently started playing EQ again, and I really feel like I'm struggling.

    I am level 24, and have the P2P journeyman tank merc.

    I'm trying to level in different areas (Estate of Unrest currently), but just feel like something is lacking.

    My damage feels like it's very low and shitty, as well as my mana regen.

    I've seen several people praise the Cannabalize spell, and say that it is the #1 staple for Shaman's, but it gives me like 2-5% mana per use.. I just feel like I'm always out of mana, and hardly ever doing damage.

    submitted by /u/ElijahShines
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    When is Kunark going to hit the new TLP’s

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 05:38 AM PDT

    Riz and Aradune?

    submitted by /u/Artaniss
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