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    Saturday, July 18, 2020

    Everquest Freeport Question?

    Everquest Freeport Question?

    Freeport Question?

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 01:48 PM PDT

    Good Afternoon! I recently popped back into live after being away for about 15 years. (Not counting P99)

    Among many questions, I'm curious why Freeport and the surrounding zones were changed? Was there a lore reason or no?

    submitted by /u/SmashedWindow2020
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    Trying to get into Everquest, what does this game do that other MMORPG's doesn't?

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 11:02 AM PDT


    I have heard a lot about this game with how it handles some of its design different than other games, what are some examples? Some I have seen are regarding how it deals death, Dungeons, quests werent spelled out of for you, etc.

    EDIT - However I am more interested in its game design and is the end game content any fun? Is it worth sinking hours in it?

    submitted by /u/qwert1225
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    I wanted to come back to the game...

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 05:48 PM PDT

    However, it seems like my two main characters on the Drinal server are no longer on my account. I never shared my information (though i did use the same password back then on a lot of platforms, so maybe it was hacked). I went back and forth quite a few times with Daybreak. The found the characters, just not on my account. So they are unable to help me. What a disappointment. Has anyone else had any bad interaction with them that were able to find a way to get actual support? I played from Kunark till about Planes of Power and would love to revisit the game...

    I played on Drinal for a while, then onto Stormhammer, then back to Drinal. It was a ton of fun. Some friends of mine and I were going to re-visit our old stomping grounds. Guess not? *lesigh*

    submitted by /u/terriblespacewarrior
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    Tlp solo class

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 03:12 AM PDT

    Ok you guys got me and im all but ready to start a toon on aradune.

    I usually more of a team player, my last tlp run I went cleric and I loved it.

    But this time around I feel like a solo class would better suit my play time. I remember in actual EQ back in the days, Necs or druids were the best soloers, but so much things changed that it may very well be complete bs now.

    I'd love to pick a class that's a very strong soloer. What's the best class for that?

    submitted by /u/ghighi_ftw
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    Timeout error

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 08:03 AM PDT

    Anyone else getting this? I'm 6boxing on Rizlona but overnight 2 of my accounts started getting a timeout error and can't login

    submitted by /u/Hamhamjig
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