• Breaking News

    Wednesday, July 22, 2020

    Everquest Upcoming Interviews with Former EQ Designers -- Thursday, July 23rd and Sunday, July 26th

    Everquest Upcoming Interviews with Former EQ Designers -- Thursday, July 23rd and Sunday, July 26th

    Upcoming Interviews with Former EQ Designers -- Thursday, July 23rd and Sunday, July 26th

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 06:23 PM PDT

    Shawn Lord, also known as aVeryLovingRobot on Twitch, a former EQ designer, will be conducting interviews with other former EQ designers on his Twitch stream: https://twitch.tv/aVeryLovingRobot

    Doug Cronkhite (Elidroth) - Thursday, July 23rd 2020

    • Former EQ Game Designer, Systems Designer, and Asst. Lead (2007-15)
    • Game Designer, Vanguard

    Kevin McPherson - Sunday, July 26th 2020

    • Former SOE Programmer & Designer on Kunark expansion (history, races, locations..)
    • Programmer: Vanguard, Planetside, Planetside Next, Planetside 2
    • Lead Programmer, Intrepid: Ashes of Creation

    Both interviews are scheduled to start around 1pm EDT.

    If you haven't checked out any of Shawn's streams yet, I highly recommend it. They are highly informative and cover a lot of great info about working on EQ and the early days of the game. He's also very interactive with the chat and good about answering questions.

    If you'd just like to catch up on the past 15 developer interviews he's done, check them out here: https://www.twitch.tv/averylovingrobot/videos?filter=highlights&sort=time

    submitted by /u/NickHotS
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    Is Luclin server still viable to play on?

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 11:34 AM PDT

    I have an 85 cleric that I haven't played since PoP raiding days. Looking to come back to EQ but not sure what to do. I miss my original character even though I know my old guild is long gone. Is it viable to resurrect a legacy character and level up or should I be looking progression?

    I have toddlers so I need as casual an experience as I can. 2-3 hours a night 3-4 days a week is the max I can do. I just miss EQ and want some nostalgia.

    What do you all think?

    submitted by /u/shadowstar0914
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    Returning, intend to buy a heroic. Just wanna know when a good time to start a paid sub. would be.

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 04:46 PM PDT

    As the title says I am gonna return or at least intend to, I do intend on getting a heroic character, but realized I would not know when a good time to start subscribing would be, after that. As from what I have heard, there's no raids with no paid subscription? That may be inaccurate, but it's what I am starting to see. Which, is also perfectly fine if that *is* the case, I'm just trying to find out if content for the start of a heroic (85) character, would it be wise to get a paid sub right then or, would I be best holding off to start with the high end content.

    submitted by /u/ShadeScapes
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    Box suggestions for me on Rizlona for my brother and I

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 05:51 PM PDT

    Right now, I'm playing mage-ench-cleric and my brother is playing mage-shaman. We're nearing 50, so we're thinking of our next set to play through with.

    Here's what we've got, but I"m looking for suggestions:

    Comp me 1 me 2 me 3 bro 1 bro 2
    1 Bard Enchanter Paladin Cleric Monk
    2 Bard Necro Paladin Cleric Monk
    3 Bard Shaman Paladin Cleric Monk
    4 Bard Necro Paladin Cleric Monk
    5 Necro Ench Paladin Cleric Monk
    6 Wizard Ench Paladin Cleric Monk
    7 Monk Ench Paladin Cleric Monk
    8 Shaman Ench Paladin Necro Monk

    Suggestions beyond these? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Siven
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    Looking for advice on a live server.

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 07:32 AM PDT

    Edit: Questions answered, thanks all for the responses!

    submitted by /u/thinknaught
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    OST on Vinyl

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 02:57 AM PDT

    Link: https://darkpaw-games.myshopify.com/

    I was about to order me a copy of this, till i noticed, there is a NEW map, on the backside... Wondering, WHY is Lady Vie on the front (obv. this should show the original vanilla cover of the gamebox from 1999, incl the inside of the Vinylcover) and a new map on the backside... Why they didnt added the original map?

    submitted by /u/West-468
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    Chat channels on FV

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 11:23 PM PDT

    Started up on FV yesterday and been trying to join chat channels like general or newplayers to see how lively the server is. Everytime I type /join general, I don't get any sort of response in chat, no channel is full or anything like that. Are there level requirements to start joining the chat channels or anything like that?

    submitted by /u/Mazkar
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