• Breaking News

    Friday, October 9, 2020

    Everquest Darkpaw Fundraiser - Krono for helping those in need!

    Everquest Darkpaw Fundraiser - Krono for helping those in need!

    Darkpaw Fundraiser - Krono for helping those in need!

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 05:59 PM PDT

    Hello fellow Norrathians,

    For those of you that browse the official EQ forums I'm sure some of you have seen DPG Sponsoring a fundraiser for the Extra Life Foundation. This is an organization that leverages the gaming community for support to charitable causes. DPG is looking to raise money in support of Children's Hospitals which I think is a worthy cause. I am looking to support their efforts in this, as an individual player, and am currently offering some in-game incentives to those of you who would be interested in showing your support.

    For every 25$ donation received through my portal I will send you 1 Krono to use in game (any server!). Please ensure you leave your character name and server name so I can get it out to you. Additionally, for every 50$ donation I will 100% match your contribution up to 250$.

    I am also contemplating adding epic kills, PL, MQs, and assistance as well to show people appreciation for their generosity. Currently this would be on the Rizlona server. Please PM me here, or contact Rizlona-Ephyr, if this is something you'd be interested in and we can work something out.

    Given these are in-game rewards I feel this is in the spirit of the program (Gaming for their support) and am more than happy to provide these incentives. Please consider showing your support! Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!


    submitted by /u/Ls8780
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    Any video guides on some of the newer features like Heroic Stats, Power Sources, etc?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 12:30 PM PDT

    I posted last night and got a few good links from the always ever so great EQ community. Thanks all.

    I'm the type that likes to make my character as best/powerful/uber as possible (do people still use the word uber when not requesting a ride?) and I like to research and plan ahead before diving into something.

    With that said, I stayed up extremely late last night just watching some new and returning player guides on YouTube. And I'm getting the itch to jump back in and take in the nostalgia. But there's a few things I'd like to learn about before jumping back in.

    I have bits and pieces of memory of EQ.. It's been soo long since I've played. Maybe 13 to 15 years. EQ was my first MMO and it really got me into online gaming as a whole. I was only a teen back then and don't remember having the luxury of YouTube, Discord, Reddit, and all these great resources we have now. I vaguely remember a platform where most guilds had their guild websites on and raiding guild would post their requirements of AAs you needed and what not to become a raid member with them. Think they used the DKP system back then too. I really miss those days of gaming and raiding with everyone and how organized and smooth everything was.

    To my questions:

    I vaguely remember dabbling into The Buried Sea expansion and something about power sources.. Being young at the time I don't think I ever looked into them much and understood them. I thought they started making gear that could be enhanced with power sources so to hit the full stats that were shown on your gear you would need a power source to reach those stats. Is that how they work/worked? Or is the power source another armor slot that just has its own stats?

    Heroic Stats.. This is new to me and I don't remember them at all. But I think I played when they were added.. My old Druid is level 85 so I'm assuming I had all expansions up to Seeds of Destruction? I'd really love to learn more about heroic stats so I can plan my character accordingly.

    I read just a mention about Veteran AAs.. I'd like a good guide for those if they exist.

    When I logged into my Druid it's showing my account has all kinds of rewards but I might just start over on a different server if there is one more populated. I am on Luclin. Can I claim these rewards if I don't claim them on my Druid? I didn't claim anything but when I made a new character I never got any pop-ups about my rewards... I'm guessing I need to finish the tutorial first for those to show up?

    Oh and lastly I remember a website that tracked every character in EQ so you could compare yourself with the top players on each server. You could also generate a link to your character that would show all of your gear on your character and your AAs so you could link your build to guild mates for advice or what not. Is that website still around or is there anything similar out there to at least compare yourself with the rest of the community so you can mind of gauge your progress?

    Sorry for all the questions. I would prefer video guides as I learn better from seeing something in action vs just reading something. I couldn't find anything on YouTube so I figured I'd ask here.

    submitted by /u/TeknicallyChallenged
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    Missing Account Transfers

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 06:38 AM PDT

    Preface: I know they don't do account transfers any more. Not really looking for any solution. Just needed to vent a bit.

    Started leveling up my old main character. The one I started EQ with. He sits on an account with my Wizard, but I'd really like to separate him out to his own account. Do I need him? No. I just don't want to leave him behind. And because of the history/memories, I won't want to delete and start over. It wouldn't be the same.

    Oh well. Thanks for listening.

    submitted by /u/system_player
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    <The Golden Roosters> [Mangler]

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 02:09 PM PDT

    Thinking of starting on Mangler? Are you on Mangler looking for a solid guild that plans to stay on the server for the long haul?

    Look no further! The best time to catch up is now. 2.0 orbs and tons of loot going to boxes.

    <The Golden Roosters>
    Omens of war smashed and complete 8/30/2020, come join the loot train!
    Who we are:
    Formed shortly after Mangler launch, we are a mixed group of TLP veterans and returning old school players who enjoy clearing content and having fun while doing so. DKP is limited to mains, boxes are only utilized on splits with each member designating one box that can roll on rot loot only. We have many members who are experienced with TLP servers willing to help newcomers to the guild with grouping, raiding, epics and more. The guild has been clearing content since the launch of Mangler with no signs of slowing down, we're here to stay.
    What We Look for:
    The Golden Roosters are seeking dedicated and competent raiders to add to our roster. We strive to complete content with minimal (but appropriate) numbers to keep encounters fun and challenging. No class saturation, You will never have to compete with 10+ of the same class for loot with us. All content currently being split effectively and efficiently. With that being said we also strive to have fun and promote a relaxed guild atmosphere where everyone is comfortable.

    Current openings10/9/2020 - Looking for approximately 3-5 players to fill out our second split. Come get geared and join our family!



    Shadow Knight

    High: Actively Seeking 2 additional members
    Medium: Actively Seeking 1 additional members
    Low/Closed: Exceptional applicants only

    Requirements for Raiding and beginning app period:
    Completion of Taromanis protection. No other AA/gear requirements provided you are actively working on them during your app period.

    Raid days/times (EST):
    2 week trial app period
    DKP open bid loot system
    40% RA required to keep Raider status.
    Additional raid nights may be added at the beginning of expansion unlocks.

    Sunday 5:00PM - 10:00pm
    Tuesday 7:30PM - 11:00pm
    Thursday 7:30PM – 11:00pm

    Please apply at https://thegoldenroosters.gamerlaunch.com/

    Any questions or concerns: Please feel free to contact Ramsus in game at any time.

    submitted by /u/rastignac_
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    Thinking of coming back

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 08:39 AM PDT

    Any tips on finding groups for a lvl 78 Ranger?

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