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    Saturday, October 10, 2020

    Everquest I just got this today, any way to play this?

    Everquest I just got this today, any way to play this?

    I just got this today, any way to play this?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 08:40 PM PDT

    Thinking about making a casual Backward progression Guild on Test, Would anyone be interested in joining?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 08:38 PM PDT

    Not looking to get into serious raiding as i work full time as i'm sure others do to. Was thinking of starting a guild for others in a similar position to me, looking to catch up on older flags. Maybe have a raid night twice a month or something. Just gaging interest atm.

    submitted by /u/Cypherius05
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    Strange merc tanking in Velk

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 02:27 PM PDT

    I'm not sure what i'm witnessing. There's a lvl 50 group in Velk, 3 toons 3 mercs, I can see their healer merc tanking 6+ lvl 45 spiders without the health even going down. No other toon in the zone, and no strange buffs on the mercs. What the hell?

    submitted by /u/ghighi_ftw
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    Default UI

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 08:20 AM PDT

    I have a setup I use for every toon I create (I DO NOT use external UI mods). Once I enter the world with a new character I use the "Copy Layout" option (from an existing toon) to duplicate it. However, I notice that it drops random UI elements over time. It could be hot buttons, chat tabs etc.

    So, is there a way to modify the Default UI the game uses? I'm not sure what the file name is. This way
    when ever I create a toon in EQ it always defaults to the layout I preferr (no copy layout needed? It is my hope it wont drop random elements.


    submitted by /u/Caibek
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    Where can I find info on how armor works?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 11:09 AM PDT

    I'd like to learn how AC works, but all of the tank websites seem to have gone home and taken the ball with them.

    I'd like to be able to make informed decisions like should I wear a Platinum Fire Wedding Ring or a Djarn's Amethyst Ring.

    I haven't been able to find much online. My understanding is taking melee damage works something like each hit is base damage + a d20 roll of interval_damage, and that AC makes it more likely that the d20 rolls low.

    What I'd like to know is:

    • How effective is each extra point of AC?
    • Can I test this on a blue mob or does it work differently for raid bosses?
    • Does mitigation of the mighty (and similar effects) change anything?
    • It feels like there should be AC thresholds that work on various expansions content. Like 430(?) AC is great in kunark but bad in Luclin. Does that threshold increase with the mob level, the mob, or the expansion?
    • Does it work the same with players? Could I test by having my box hit me?
    submitted by /u/SuperfluousBrain
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    Planniing to 3box my way through older progression .starting with PoP, Could use some advice/had a question or 2..

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 03:44 AM PDT

    Hey all, so as the title says I'm planning on 3boxing my way through older progression content, starting from PoP. I have a 98 mage/ 95 Enc and 95 box bard. Was planning on maxing their levels and then beginning, can anyone forsee any problems I might run into? is there certain progression that simply cannot be done by one person alone? any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Cypherius05
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    Anyone with basic coding skills that could help me make tweaks to the UI XML files?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 10:51 PM PDT

    I wanted to get back into EQ after all these years but I am now gaming on a 60 inch 4K TV and EQ looks fine but the UI is so tiny that it's unplayable for me.

    I have spent several hours trying to get a solution to work but I can't seem to succeed.

    I have tried the DPI methods. (Right clicking the game file and going to compatibility), I have also tried a custom UI that was made for 4k but it's the same size as the default UI and you can't resize it. I have also tried Sparxx UI and same issue. Too tiny.

    My last option is to edit the UI files myself and to increase the size of everything. But the problem is I don't know how. I have zero coding or html experience.

    I know my way around a PC and can follow steps well enough if I had someone that knew what they were doing.

    I was able to find out how to change some of the UI text to make it bigger.

    For example I opened the main inventory XML file and was able to change some of the text that appears on that screen to make it larger. But the window was too small so it cut the words off. Then I was able to figure out how to increase the window size. All by trial and error. But when you increase the window size the actual inventory area doesn't increase. It stays the same. The window just gets bigger. If that makes sense. I believe it's tied to a texture or image or something.

    If anyone has any experience with this please let me know. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/TeknicallyChallenged
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