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    Wednesday, December 30, 2020

    Everquest Emulator server suggestions for RL duo

    Everquest Emulator server suggestions for RL duo

    Emulator server suggestions for RL duo

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 01:02 PM PST

    OK - buddy and I are 99ers, played pretty serious til 04, then had our most fun each 2-3boxing together on Fippy like 8 years ago. Was great having a group at all times where we could drop boxes for guildmates if we wanted. Played some other TLPs as well, and I'm not adverse to playing them again but honestly prefer not paying $50 bucks a month for accounts (plus I think they're all truebox now anyway). That's why we're trying to find the right emu server. And even though we'd like to box, it's more of a time thing (not as much time to find groups etc these days), so we'd like there to be a decent community around us to interact with. We're not looking for the solitary experience (never boxed one time from 99-04), we just need that to be an option for our limited playtime.

    -We tried Shards of Dalaya years ago. Was kinda fun, but the content was just so different than EQ that it wasn't exactly what we were after. We'd prefer playing a server that recreates original EQ as much as possible.

    -TAKP we tried a few months back. It has a 3box limit which was nice, but the QOL improvements missing on the server just made it too taxing to play on (no mousewheel, can't resize windows, pc/npc names aren't visible unless within a few feet, targeting was a nightmare, no maps, etc). I was in love with the idea of playing there, and I do appreciate the dedication and enthusiasm that went into making it. It just didn't turn out to be that enjoyable for us.

    What else would be a good option? P99 only allows 1 toon per person, and it sounds like it has even less QOL stuff than TAKP did, so I'm thinking no. I've heard about Clumsy's World which I believe is 2box limited (which is ok though we'd prefer 3) but I'm not sure about the QOL stuff, and I'm also not sure how far the content has diverged from EQ (sounds like a lot of new content mixed in). I've heard of a few other servers over the years but nothing that caught my attention enough to google.

    Even gave consideration to live FTP, but just seems too limiting. There won't be any community at all at our level; we'd have to go all access to get high enough to interact with other players. And talk about bloat - would take vast research to even figure out who we are and what to do with a dozen years of new content.

    Anyone have any input on my ramblings? Any personal experiences with servers in this wheelhouse would be fantastic.

    submitted by /u/fanliorel
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    EQ Emotes?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 03:53 PM PST

    Does anyone know a site or anything that have EverQuest emojis (normal/animated) I can download and add to my Discord server? :)

    submitted by /u/usaaffamily
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    Hi any 7th hammer folks still around?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 08:36 AM PST

    Saw some old archived posts after googling Ranadin. 😂 couldn't post in them but hope everyone is well!

    I used to play "Best" (ENC in Eastern Faith/TDE)

    submitted by /u/gladigotaphdinstead2
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    New player looking to make plat

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 10:32 AM PST

    Hello my name is Welos on the Bristlebane server and I just started playing EQ 4 days ago. I want to make money to buy things.

    How do I do that? I'm a level 26 Shadow Knight F2P and just wanna make some cash so I can buy a decent weapon and maybe level some skills.

    Any and all advice is welcome and appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Living_Try_2436
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    Which is the most active server, Live, TLP or Project1999

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 05:23 AM PST


    If i wanted to start playing again, looking for something as close as possible to that old original community feel you used to get while playing EQ, which is most appropriate? Live, TLP or P99... or worse yet, don't come back because it'll be disappointing?

    EQ is hands down the best game i've ever played and I miss it.

    submitted by /u/Falcubar
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