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    Friday, December 11, 2020

    Everquest Swiftwind and Earthcaller... years later.

    Everquest Swiftwind and Earthcaller... years later.

    Swiftwind and Earthcaller... years later.

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 02:43 PM PST

    Haven't played since 2002, looking for Torvonnilous friends from back then.

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 08:53 PM PST

    Shot in the dark here, I expect nothing. But from 99 to 2002 I played Everquest with these other players, high elves Sabrahdoom & Natashoa, and Natashoa's RL husband Berge, a dwarf.

    I was a senior in high school when we met, and left the game abruptly (I believe I moved on to play other MMO's like WoW, Final Fantasy XI, and City of Heroes). I never logged back in, I don't think they play anymore, and I really have been missing them. Sabrahdoom had another character called Luvdare, but she quit playing and gave her characters to someone else.

    The only thing I know is that Nat and Sab are twin sisters in real life. I had their e-mail long ago but lost it. I don't even have the game anymore.

    Like I said, this is a shot in the dark, and the needle might not even be in the haystack, but I figure I'd try. I'm almost positive the server was Torvonnilous. My character's name was DacnarJr, a human rogue. Nat and I used to joke that my character was her son, and I would always call her 'mommy' to freak people out. XD.

    I'm just wondering if anyone was around from back then who might've known them?

    submitted by /u/NobodySpecialSCL
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    Temple of Droga

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 02:36 PM PST

    I read this week FM has high level mobs now. I have a very old toon lvl 70 parked in Droga. Will it be safe to log and check or gate my Necro out? Haven't logged in on the toon in 3 years.

    submitted by /u/ScorpionQuads
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    Casual play Paladin vs Warrior?

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 05:33 AM PST

    Hey guys, I'm settling in for the long Canadian winter and I'm taking a trip back to EverQuest. I've read that knights do a lot of self healing these days as part of their surviveability. I'm looking to mostly molo, and maybe duo with a Shaman or something if I get fiesty.

    So my question is where do Warriors stand in regards to group stuff? Does one call for more or less outside healing, like does Paladin need to self heal that much because they just need that much more healing, or do Warriors just need extra healing because they don't provide themselves?

    If I make it to modern expansions, would DPS be an issue with either or both of them? I'm not playing on FV so I won't have raid gear, or even good gear. I know they're tanks and they're not going to put out the same DPS as actual DPS but I'm more asking about if I farmed whatever best in slot is for 110, if I would have any issues doing TBL content with War/Shm and 2 mercs?

    Thank you guys for any help you can provide!

    submitted by /u/ImperialInvolvement
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    Falling through the world 1736754489 dmg

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 03:15 PM PST

    I started Everquest in Beta. I have fallen through the world many times.

    Swimming the river in the Karana's.

    Zoning into Jagged pine.

    Falling through the boats and swimming/ dieing toons without gate.

    Being stuck under Field of Bone.

    Where in the early days of Everquest did you fall through the world and die or get stuck?

    submitted by /u/ScorpionQuads
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    Noob ranger needs some help

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 08:48 AM PST

    Hello! I started to play eq for the first time a few months ago and picked a ranger for my class and started on Aradune.

    I'm having a hard time right now on figuring out what rotation I should be using when I'm fighting raid boss encounters. I'm finding I need to cinder jolt frequently and in general, I'm not really finding a good rotation of which dots to use.

    Any feedback here?

    Macros that would be helpful as well would be super appreciative. I've got basics like pull and weaponshield covered. I'm just not sure what else I'm missing.

    Thanks for reading! Hopefully it's just a matter of being educated some and getting a better understanding around what is an ideal way to play so I can tweak my approach.

    submitted by /u/Noobrngr
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