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    Thursday, January 14, 2021

    Everquest on [Mangler] is recruiting for DoDh!

    Everquest <Kith and Kin> on [Mangler] is recruiting for DoDh!

    <Kith and Kin> on [Mangler] is recruiting for DoDh!

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 07:24 AM PST

    Is Enchanter / Cleric combo still good at end game?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 12:51 PM PST

    I am starting back after about a 7 month break. Before I was playing on Agnaar a POP locked server. I am planning on starting on another TLP but I was wondering how the Enchanter Main / Cleric Box is near the end game?

    For context I play with a group of friends and when they are not around it's just the enchanter and cleric. I know the old adage of "play what you want" and I plan to stick it out with the Enchanter / Cleric but I was just curious if they will are needed as much in the later expansions? Or am I basically going to be playing bot characters lol.

    As far raiding goes I know is they can be useful for buffs and healing but that will be a while before I attempt that. I am just hoping they are still a decent group for taking down some trash and maybe a boss or two. Looking forward to hearing your comments. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Nfurno00
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    Coming back to Everquest with a twist - Enchanter help appreciated

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 08:20 AM PST

    Coming back to Everquest with a twist - Enchanter help appreciated

    So after 20 years, for some reason I got the bug to play Everquest again. Turns out I had a Facebook friend who was leaving the game and he offered me his account, which I took him up on. The twist is that he had a level 115 Enchanter, which just happened to be the same class as my main that I took to level 60 back in the day (Nameless server).

    It's a bit daunting to jump in at level 115, so I'm asking for some help from those of you who know what they're doing. I've done a lot of research, but nothing compares to being able to ask someone.

    LaChanty Svengali... in all her glory.

    First I started diving into all the spells, second the AA's. There's a metric ton to learn.

    Play style

    You probably want to know what my play style is. I'm planning on doing both soloing/moloing and small groups, with the occasional raid (which I'm not geared for).


    Let's start with the spells - I need advice about what I should have memmed and why.
    I plan on using two saved spell sets that I switch between based on the situation.

    Spell Set #1 - Default/Solo & Small Group Combat

    Default Spells for normal, non-raid combat

    1. Omica's Animation - Pets... great way to shift damage
    2. Pulmonary Grip (113) DOT - Strangle line.
    3. Constraining Coil (113) SLOW
    4. Deviser's Demand (114) CHARM
    5. Mind Coil (115) DOT - Mind Shatter line (steals mana too)
    6. Gravity Roil (111) DirDam - AoE
    7. Chromatic Coalition (113) - DirDam add
    8. Mind Rift (115) DirDam - 38K
    9. Polycascading Assault (113) DirDam - 16k
    10. Chaotic Deception - Mez - single target - 36 secs
    11. Deceiving Stare - Mez - AoE (targeted) - 54 secs
    12. Proclamation of Tashan - Debuff - single target + damage add

    So... what am I getting wrong? What should I change out for other stuff?
    I know there's no stun in there, which feels weird.

    Spell Set #2 - Buffs, Group & Solo

    Buffs, the only thing they love us for

    1. Hastening of Cekenar (114) - Group, Haste and stat buffs
    2. Deviser's Auspice (112) - Group, Aegis, DamAbsorb
    3. Legion of Kildrukaun - Group, Aegis, DamAbsorb
    4. Crepuscular Rune - Group, Rune, DamAbsorb
    5. Voice of Sagacity - Group, Buff, Mana Regen + caster stat buff
    6. Shield of Destiny - Self, DamAbsorb
    7. not sure...
    8. Transfixer's Unity - self, Mix of Polyfluorescent and Transfixer's runes
    9. Deviser's Unity - Self, Polycascading and Deviser's runes
    10. Ward of the Deviser - Self, Ward, Mez anyone who attack me 12 secs
    11. Speed of Cenkenar - (111) single target Haste
    12. Brimstone Fortitude (114) - single target DamAbsorb

      Again... what's wrong with this lineup? Please help me tweak it.

    I figure I'd keep a single target haste and damage absorber for pets, other people's pets, and ungrouped people who ask for buffs.

    Alternate Advancement

    Now let's get to AA's. I have a metric ton of these and need help with - how do I use them best, am I overlooking any I need, how the work with regular spells.

    I read a guide online that said:

    1. make social/macro/hotkeys for certain groups.
    2. have two rotations of cooldowns

    ... so here's what I did:

    AA's - Buffs


    1. 578 - Reactive Rune - Damage Shield
    2. 2209 - Glyph Spray - Damage Shield
    3. 2200 - Rune Banishment - Damage Shield w/ Move/Root effect

    These are all in one hotkey that gets pressed at the beginning of any combat - solo, small group, etc.

    Am I missing anything?

    AA's - Debuffs

    Debuff group to cast on major target at start of combat

    1. 1125 - Bite of Tashan - Tash around target
    2. 753 - Slowing Helix - single target slow and stat debuff
    3. 602 - Mental Contortion - melee reducer and DoT
    4. 547 - Eradicate Magic - I'm wondering if I should keep this elsewhere for selective use on targets?

    AA's - Burn1


    1. 487 - Intensity of Resolute - Crit % +
    2. 515 - Improved Twincast - 18 spells you double cast
    3. 534 - Calculated Insanity - Crit%+95% for 27 spells, Crit Dam+
    4. 1380 - Spire of Enchantment - Doppleganger + Crit% +
    5. 2202 - Illusion of Grandeur - Crit%+

    The idea is to fire off this macro, then cast like hell for MEGA DPS.

    Any changes you can think of?

    But those all have cooldown timers... which means I need a second set

    AA's - Burn 2


    1. 1211 Focus Arcanum - Lower target's spell resists
    2. 2205 Chromatic Haze - buff group, crit chance 100%, crit damage+ 38%
    3. 639 Dimensional Shield - damage shield (held till later when others have worn off)

    AA's - Summon Pets

    The AA pets deserved their own macros too, right?

    I want to keep adding once I find more

    1. 261 Doppleganger - 3 relflections of myself to attack my enemies
    2. 1122 Phantasmal Opponent - level 105 reflection of my target (NEGA SCOTT PILGRIM)
    3. Viscious Rabbit - clicky bought at the Loyalty vendor
    4. Drowned Mariner - clicky bought at the Bazaar

    I kind of have a pet addition...but no, I don't want to be a mage. I just want more DPS and more distractions from hitting on me.

    Pet Buffs

    So I made another macro to buff the pets.

    AA's - Stuff I don't know what to do with

    There are loads of AA's that are cool, but that I don't really know how to use more efficiently.

    Hotbar 1

    So these are basically utility spells and stuff I use to get around unharmed.

    Hotbar 2 - Major Macros & Random Stuff

    Hey look! Another pet... sort of. Chaotic Jester. And some pet commands that don't fit in a macro.

    Hotbar 3 - Combat AA's

    I figure extra mezzes are good to have, right? Or a hate reducer in certain situations? Or am I going too far?

    Totally No Clue

    Not really sure how to incorporate these other than to just use them situationally too.

    Well, if you've read this far... I really appreciate it and welcome any help you can give. I'm sure you'll probably tell me to change everything... which I'm fine with if there are good reasons.

    Thanks... and happy hunting!

    submitted by /u/Ambitious-Amount5115
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    Good place to level solo at 23

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 09:27 AM PST

    Hello, complete noob here who switched over from wow to eq after a friend recommended it to me. I'm on a tlp server (mangler) and my friend follows me around on his bard to buff me while he plays his main. I was leveling in netherbian lair but was having some trouble as I can't take more than 2 monsters on by myself. I'm a necro and I use my highest level pet and try to be mana efficient. Been struggling and wonder if there is a better zone I can go to and kill monsters that are easily isolated and won't pull more than 2? Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/tljacobz
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