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    Saturday, March 20, 2021

    Everquest favorite Questline / epic quest

    Everquest favorite Questline / epic quest

    favorite Questline / epic quest

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 04:10 PM PDT


    first: I'm a casual player so i have month where i do not play AT ALL and i just came back to this game a year ago. Never played it during it's popularity (56k modem and no job ... yeah i don't think that in my teens i could afford it) so i came back after watching a german youtube video about "Tabletop RPGs based on Videogames" and Everquest was mentioned as a "very good D20 D&D style RPG based on the MMO" (it got praised way more than the D20 Version of WoW for example)

    fast foward: i now have almost all books, play this game sometimes and i'm preparing a campaign for my friends (which do not know the MMO, one of them did play the PS2 Champions of Norrath though)

    Soooo my question: what was/is you favorite quest line / epic quest from the game which i might add to my tabletop game. I'm already planning as the first big finale (at level 20... the rules go up to level 30) the awakening of the sleeper (first seeds of this will be planted by the first adventure "Sunless Citadell" and later with "Red hand of Doom"... don't know how i should go on with them later on though).... Befallen will also be included since i have the module :-) I also read about the "daughter of hate" and the war concering her (have to read into it more though)

    submitted by /u/Zanji123
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    Good Morning Everquest Enthusiasts!

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 09:26 AM PDT

    Good Morning Everquest Enthusiasts!

    I would like to invite you to join me playing Everquest on an emulation server named Wayfarers Haven. We are currently celebrating our 6th Year Anniversary AND this is bonus experience weekend! Join us in discord and type !install for fast, free, and easy set up! (SO easy. No editing files, no finding downloads. ANYONE can set this up in minutes) Link to join Discord is in the top right of the forums: https://www.wayfarershaven.com/index.php

    The custom anniversary quests reward coins to purchase special items. Run to the top of an empty Velketor's Labyrinth and earn a coin! Sound easy? Give it a try! For only 5 of these coins you can purchase illusion masks. Get Ogre frontal stun immunity AND have a clickable mask to change race!

    One forum account - 3 characters max in game at one time (including bazaar mule) - unlimited character accounts! Make all new characters on a separate account so you can mix and match later.

    Sunday evening, join us for our famous "Coppermart". A weekly event held in the bazaar for new players. Veteran players donate gear and items for new players to take turns to buying for 1 copper each.

    I look forward to meeting new people who enjoy Everquest as much as I do!

    submitted by /u/Hazel_P2002
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    Trying to land on final group dynamic, live

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 02:05 PM PDT

    Right now I'm playing on FV and coming back into the game with some spread out toons, mainly because I left them to gulidies to use as needed, though its clear they're inactive now as the last person to access them messaged me a few months ago on discord.

    With that said, I have a 111 paladin, with fairly good gear, a 115 zerker, a 96 shaman and a 110 ranger. I'm determined to run a 5 box this time, and I'm looking at what I want to add to have some fun with to this combo.

    My thoughts thus far: Bard. I have quite a melee heavy group with lots of physical damage that will be augmented through songs, and having some CC would be nice, I'm mainly thinking about messing around with 110 being capped on most of the toons, since I'm returning mainly to mess around

    My other thought: Beastlord. I've always enjoyed BLs and have a way better understanding of their game play and AAs, so it'll take quite a bit less to get into, the beast slows allow me to keep the shaman focused on off heals and dots, and brings a third tank factor in, ranger is my emergency oh no as it stands right now with the zerk being my third just in case, but adding the BL brings in both a pet and once I buy the gear a toon that can tank too....

    What do you guys think?

    I know bard speed is great.

    Having the pet would be great too.

    I'm running the 115 zerks healer merc as my main healer right now.

    The only thing I don't want to add is a mage, outside that I'm open to suggestions. (Main was a mage from kunark onwards, it was time for change)

    Cheers folks

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    submitted by /u/Patrol720
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    Dusting off the ranger

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 08:43 AM PDT

    I had a ranger that was level 100 that I last meaningfully played several years ago. I got him to 105 via overseer and thought I should take him out and about into the world to level. What are some good solo ranger headshot type spots? Last time I played/leveled him was before the change to headshot and I use to headshot farm light blues around the previous headshot level cap.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/beerfurious
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