• Breaking News

    Wednesday, April 28, 2021

    Everquest Really glad I got back into this game.

    Everquest Really glad I got back into this game.

    Really glad I got back into this game.

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 12:36 PM PDT

    Ive been on a private server with a healthy population for the last half year. Through guild raiding (and discord) I've gotten to know a lot of people, improve and problem solve with them, and tackle content i couldnt comprehend as a kid.

    Its hard to find time to play outside the raid schedule, but in the last day i've accomplished a lot (2boxed most of kedge, finished an epic and helped others get theirs, spent enough aa for my last prefixes, finished vt key on my 3rd toon, killed a bunch of raid bosses with pugs, in content thats new to me).

    Diving back into this old game is a wild experience, i hope everyone on here is enjoying themselves as much as i am.

    submitted by /u/thinknaught
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    Mischief, how fast can you level?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 12:38 PM PDT

    Pardon my ignorance please, but I've been trying to find an actual rate that a person can level with mangler xp? Like if I roll up an HE Paladin and just start going to town in the gfay solo would it be faster than buying belts?

    If it's only going to be classic for a month it's gotta be real fast right? Or is this just for the hardcore grinders?

    submitted by /u/Hoyty1
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    how solo friendly is this game?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 03:18 PM PDT

    I enjoy playing most games solo with occasional grouping. I don't mind joining guilds and all, but I just dislike having to match my schedule with others.

    How difficult is it to enjoy this game if I want to maintain such a playstyle? I've never played EQ so I have no idea what the game is like. I do enjoy MMORPGs but I realize EQ is probably pretty different than most modern MMOs. I enjoy PVP the most (either solo or guild level), but also like PVE (and even some grinding).

    submitted by /u/joyful-
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    Mercs still good?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 10:16 PM PDT

    I have a 111 mage in TBL gear and my J5 melee DPS merc does about 2x the damage in the best cases and the same damage in the worst cases. (There is a 110 enchanter in the party)

    When do mercs stop being good? Should I ever plan to box a warrior instead of using a tank merc? Will it ever be worth it to box a berserker instead of a dps merc?

    Assume I'm not doing any level appropriate raiding and am a casual player. If the difference is 10%, I'll stick with the convenience of a merc. If the difference is 2x, then I might box.

    submitted by /u/SmithSca
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    Which classes to play alongside my buddies on Mischief (until they quit)?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 05:45 AM PDT

    So I'm just coming back to the game in time for the upcoming TLP. I'd planned on playing Druid/Mag so I could chill out, but 2 friends of mine decided they are coming back as well. They are pretty set on monk and SK. I want to play something that pairs well with them, but is also self sufficient when they are offline or after they quit. Here's my perspective on options, please give me some input with your experienced point of view.

    1. Continue with Dru/Mag, let them organize a group and invite a chanter or shaman for their haste and slow needs.

    2. Enchanter/Druid - I did this last time I played and had fun, but gawt dayum is it high maintenance and a pain in the ass to step away from the keyboard when my wife calls or I need to piss.

    3. Shaman/X - I feel like this makes the most sense. I'd considered sham/sk myself, but if he's playing an SK I don't really know how to best utilize my second account here.

    3.a Shm/Bard for easy to box support with overhaste/mana regen, but then how effective am I when they are gone?

    3.b Shm/Mag for easy to box dps? I feel like I remember melee dps being soft early on, so maybe that makes the most sense if I'm not going the enchanter route.

    3.c Shm/Druid and let the druid primary heal as the box while I main the shaman for slows and DPS? Then I can take advantage of random loot and stick to druid charm friendly camps when they are absent, ports, and powerlevel something else when my group dynamics change or they leave.

    What am I overlooking or failing to appreciate, and what are some options and rationale that you more experienced adventurers might care to offer?

    submitted by /u/ReasonforWine
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    EQ2 related but hopefully this is okay here. :)

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 08:14 PM PDT

    6-box suggestions for Project Lazarus

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 09:45 AM PDT

    I've always been an altaholic in EverQuest. No matter what class I'm playing and enjoying, I find myself wanting to bounce to another character to enjoy what that class has to offer as well. Since I'm not a particularly fast leveler even on a single character, this means my characters level at 1/10 the rate as the typical slow leveling player at best. This is fine, as I'm ok soloing in the absence of grouping opportunities, but there are only a few classes that excel in that area. I figured making my own group would kill all the birds with one stone. Since I have no interest in paying $90/mo. to do so...enter Project Lazarus.

    I should mention right up front that I'm no kind of mega-mind, fast twitch multi-tasker who will run 6-characters at anywhere near peak efficiency. I don't have to mow through mobs at breakneck speeds. I'm more interested in just playing with 6-characters that I enjoy and synergize well, though don't need to be a perfect combo in that regard. One thing I don't want to do is stack any of the same classes. I prefer variety, and I'm fine sacrificing efficiency for a more enjoyable and less stressful experience.

    Most of my understanding comes from early to mid levels. The highest level I ever reached on a character was still a good 15-20 levels from max at the time, and that was with a character boost - where I was immediately overwhelmed by all the new abilities, gear and spell combinations. Here's what I'm tentatively considering:

    • Shadowknight - I want my tank to be able to generate threat well. I'll be managing aggro for the other characters myself, but leading witha Clinging Darkness and queueing up perhaps a couple Lifetaps and/or debuffs may let me bounce to the other characters to get them started. Also as I understand it Shadowknights have some AoE threat generation capabilities, which would be useful for those occasional multi-mob pulls.
    • Cleric - One class I've always wanted to play more. Best heals and HP buffs, and fairly low maintenance for multi-boxing. Shaman and Druid are considerations, but they seem like they would be more high maintenance. Maybe I'm wrong?
    • Enchanter - One of the classes I've played most. I've always enjoyed CC, and the buffs they bring to the table would be really useful. Charming is something I've only touched on in the past, but I would like to give it a try, if I can manage it without having to devote all my attention to it. I'm thinking that having a Cleric on hand would help a lot on those charm breaks.
    • Mage - Another one of my most played classes. Send in the pet and start a nuke rotation. Plus those sweet damage shields, CotH and pet toys.
    • Necro - Probably my favorite class, but doesn't necessarily shine in group settings. However, since my main concern isn't burning through mobs as quickly as possible (and as I mentioned, it IS my favorite class), I'm thinking it would be interesting, fun and help on those difficult nameds or other tough group mobs. Heck, maybe it would be a big help on the older, easier raid content? Anyway, I'm trying to justify including the necro, but leaving it out isn't off the table.
    • Wizard - Probably requires the least attention for a DPS class. Queue up the nukes and be ready to evac if necessary. Also ports.

    I'm considering swapping in a Ranger for the Necro. Good DPS and that long-lasting snare would help a lot if I decide to do much charming on the Enchanter. Also tracking would be extremely helpful in many cases. Monk is another class I'd kind of like to use, but they seem to be all about ability spamming.

    Any suggestions for different lineups (or 6-boxing in general) this filthy casual might consider? About the only classes that have never really held any appeal for me are Berserker (don't ask me why) and Rogue (they just seem so 1-dimensional + lockpicking).

    submitted by /u/Geek_Verve
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    Total EQ noob: some questions

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 02:46 AM PDT

    Interested only in official servers. I have dabbled on the developer and player side of private servers before for other games. Never again, P99 is not an option. Total EQ noob that has only cleared the tutorial once a long time ago. Thanks for any infos.

    1. Is it possible to get most xp from quests? I prefer questing to grinding if possible. 2007 Runescape had the most fun quest style imo.
    2. How is the lore? I enjoy literary quality fantasy worlds.
    3. I see some people saying Daybreak "ruined" EQ. How?
    4. Best looking gear on a Vah Shir? Class doesn't matter.
    5. Do people still RP on the TLP servers?
    submitted by /u/studious_diver
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