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    Friday, May 21, 2021

    Everquest Just having some fun based off a lot of the comments you see here.

    Everquest Just having some fun based off a lot of the comments you see here.

    Just having some fun based off a lot of the comments you see here.

    Posted: 21 May 2021 06:51 AM PDT

    Spell scaling with leveling

    Posted: 21 May 2021 10:05 PM PDT

    Hello all, I have a few questions regarding how spells scale as you level, hopefully how I'm asking this question makes sense too. I've noticed that some spells or songs on Allakhazam give a range I.e. Jonthan's Whistling Warsong is Increase Attack Speed 15% L7 to 40% L41 while Jonthan's Provocation is Increase Attack Speed 4% L45 53% L46. Or Holy Armor Increase AC by 4 (L1) to 10 (L6) versus Spirit Armor Increase AC by 6 (L15) to 19 (L25).

    Does this mean a lower level song in this case would be better to use due to it being initially faster or higher AC and scaling up as a toon levels? Or use the higher level spell as soon as you're able to? Also using ENC 11 Charm which will work up to level 25 mobs versus ENC 23 Beguile which will work up to 37.

    Hopefully what I'm asking make sense, or someone can explain the scaling of stats or spell effects and if they are beneficial to use if their scaling is above what a higher level version has.

    Thank you in advance!

    submitted by /u/notsoawesome1
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    Feeling nostalgic

    Posted: 21 May 2021 12:07 PM PDT

    I'm doing this in hopes other people will share some of their favorite memories on EQ. I started playing around 2002 I was 12 at the time and my parents were the cliche obsessed with EQ and life was only about EQ. So I would play with them and I did up until 2006 or so. Despite my parent's unhealthy obsession haha I still had fun with it.

    I remember my server was Innoruuk and I had a halfling ranger? Named Jasbul and than I had a dark elf cleric named Nannerz. Cleric was my favorite especially when it came to selling my buff temperance.

    My first favorite memory is when I first started playing I was in Qeynos fighting beetles and some random player came up and asked if I wanted to get married and I was like SURE. So we did the wedding in Qeynos and a GM had some to officiate it along with a dwarf that happened to be there and my mom. It was pretty weird and hilarious and I ended up finding out we were close in age and remained friends for some time I think we even wrote physical letters to each other. (Parent approved don't worry)

    I remember the excitement of finding hidden areas that were kind of a pain like that one I can't remember the name but it was in the middle of an ocean underwater and it was like this temple and inside were pots that teleported you to different areas before POK. I remember a dragon would show up and just wipe people out. When I found it I felt pretty legit haha.

    I loved how complicated the game could be and the research and teamwork that was involved. It really made your achievements feel 10 times greater. The game never really held your hand in that way. I loved the small touches like the area where it was covered in ice and was actually slippery. I died so many times on those ramps. The dark tunnel connecting black burrow to everfrost was another interesting challenge 😂. I remember estate of unrest and how I never made it past the first floor. The one zone where a unicorn would come out of nowhere and kill me. I almost never saw it coming. Time spent scaling the walls of zones to avoid everything that could kill me in one shot in order to get to another area lol so stressful! Trying to recover your corpse was the worst especially if you trusted the wrong person and they'd just hijack it.

    My favorite part of EQ was compared to the MMORPG communities that I joined afterwards the community in EQ was probably the nicest and the help we gave one another was exceptional. It was definitely necessary in order to get by in the game but I like to think everyone was ready and willing to work together as a team. I haven't found a community like that since.

    I really miss those days I've tried to play again but I think I've outgrown it because the memories seem far better than what it's like playing now. It will always be my first and most favorite MMORPG out there.

    submitted by /u/Frizzycatt
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    The Rapiers are coming to Mischief! [Everquest Guild]

    Posted: 21 May 2021 10:06 PM PDT

    Ahoy Mateys!
    The original founders of <Bloody Rapiers> and <Shadowed Rapiers> will be leaving port with a built-in roster of thousands of veteran crew to welcome returning and new members!
    Gaze into the scope of fast exp and power levels, camps, tradeskills, raids, swag, livestreams, and special guild events! Down all content while tavern wenches sing to ye! The largest, most social, most active guild is coming to Mischief!

    So come aboard and join the adventure as the saga continues in this epic trilogy!

    Don't LFG,

    (This advertisement is trademark of Rapiers Ho Inc. Any copyright infringement will be met with the full extent of intellectual property law and that money goes to Italy.)

    submitted by /u/KeonOreeves
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    List of Quality of Life Differences Between TLP Servers and Classic EQ/P99

    Posted: 21 May 2021 07:42 AM PDT

    While looking into Aradune, I compiled a brief list of quality of life differences between classic EQ/P99 and TLP servers. This list is intended to help classic players understand how the game has changed on TLP servers and is likely not comprehensive. I'll add additional items from the comments to this list. Special thanks to Stratka <Midnight Rations> for helping provide some of this information!

    1. Faster Exp Rate / No Hell Levels / No Class Penalties - Exp moves considerably faster than P99/classic, and there are no hell levels or exp penalties for classes.
    2. Exp weighted towards Even+ Cons / Full Groups - Exp bonuses are weighted towards even+ cons and full groups. Players tend to favor full groups that are charm-heavy, as charm generates a ton of DPS like in P99.
    3. Picks - As zones get crowded, a new "pick"of that zone will be created. You can use /pick to move to the newly created pick. This lets lots of people play in the same "zone" to help overcrowding.
    4. Raid Instances - While guilds can compete in the open world for raid bosses, you can spawn a private instance of the zone with your guild and kill the raid bosses at your leisure. There is a cooldown on how often you can do this.
    5. No corpse runs / smaller exp penalty upon death.
    6. In-Game Maps - No need to have the P1999 wiki pulled up on the second monitor. In-game maps with TLPs!
    7. LFG System / Global Chat Channels - An in-game LFG system and global chat channels really helps with forming groups.
    8. Shared Banks / Parcel Merchants - Shared banks and parcel merchants in towns allow you to send items to characters.
    9. Extended Target Window - Amazing tool. Can leave it on auto to show mobs aggro on your group. Or you can right click on it and choose targets. For example, as a raid cleric, I can put raid tanks in there that aren't in my group so I can monitor their health.
    10. The Daybreak Store - 25% exp bonus potions for 4 hours is helpful but also lots of other little benefits. The 4 hour sow potion is incredible when a server starts, as is the 40 slot 100% weight reduction bag.
    11. Advanced Loot Window - Takes getting used to but alleviates the need to manually right-click and loot every corpse.
    12. Saved Spell Lists / No Re-Memorization Upon Death - Can save spell lists by right clicking on the spell book.
    13. Weapon Augments - This lets tanks and especially warriors have a chance at generating aggro.
    14. PCs Generally More Powerful - The power level of TLP characters is massively higher than P99. Most camps until you hit The Hole will be limited by mobs. Single pulling is almost never worth it especially with a charm pet that most groups over level 20 will have.
    15. More Potions - Incredibly powerful. The greater concentration potions for mana regen, disease cure for bees/draco, heals, etc.
    16. Origin - ALL classes get this at level 5. It's a teleport to your home town with a cooldown of 18 minutes.
    17. /hidecorpse alwaysnpc - Hide all dead mobs but not player corpses.
    18. Boats are optional - Gnomish translocators located near boats now instantly port players across oceans; boats are still available for rides.
    19. Soulbinders - No need to beg for binds now; soulbinder NPCs can bind you at cities.
    20. Easy Skill Increases - A built in skill catch up mechanic causes rapid skill increases if you fall behind in a skill.
    21. Bandoliers - Easy weapon switching via hotkey.
    22. No meditate button.
    23. "Revamped" textures in many classic zones. Luclin player-model textures can be turned off and classic textures used.
    24. Most pre-raid classic content available upon launch.
    25. Some classic items will possess valuable focus effects disabled at classic but (i.e., increase to type damage, etc) available in later expansions.
    26. TLPs allow boxing to various extents [Aradune: 2 box limit on two different devices).
    27. No PNP. Certain players may attempt to train or KS you, but bad apples can be avoided via pick system.
    28. Certain cash camps permacamped by RMT/neckbeards (GEBs).
    29. Currency no longer weighs anything. Monks, rejoice.
    30. Bards can use /melody to ease song twisting; rangers can AFK more with bow /autofire.
    31. DPS Racing is the standard. FTE (first to engage) is considered a discretionary courtesy.
    submitted by /u/JeanettaFairbat4
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    Do you think original undiscovered quests still exist?

    Posted: 21 May 2021 09:59 AM PDT

    I've always wondered if every named npc has been hailed at their max faction, and if not, if there might be undiscovered quests out there. For example, maxing Mucktail Gnoll faction (I don't know what it's called, might not be that exactly) and hailing Grenix Mucktail. The curiosity has had my brain itching for years.

    submitted by /u/samhall67
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    What's the best priest box for my warrior on Aradune?

    Posted: 21 May 2021 04:03 PM PDT

    I know you guys think shamans are the best box for every melee, but is that true considering my criteria?

    Assume my warrior will be raid geared, my priest will be group geared, I'll have all the potions, and all the clickies.

    1. I don't care about my solo exp rate. I'm not gonna be soloing much.
    2. I don't care about being a swiss army knife. If I need snare/res/evac, I will invite one of those classes to my group.
    3. I am interested in expansions past PoP. Don't assume I'll quit.
    4. I would like to be able to assassinate named mobs by myself. If I want an item in the bottom of a dungeon, I'd like to be able to get there without having to kill much, and kill the npc without asking for help.
    5. I'd like to be able to make exp groups that only have one priest.
    6. I'd like to one group old raid content. I'd like to be able to go, "/g I want to kill A. Is there an X, Y, and Z that will help?". I realize I could do this with any, but the less people I need the better.
    7. I'd like my priest to feel useful on raids.

    This is how I feel about that criteria. Please tell me where I'm wrong.

    4) I feel like cleric has the edge on assassination on account of being able to pull singles with pacify. I know pacify gets kneecapped after 65, but it still should make pulling easiest on a cleric? I know shamans could just man-mode the room during the levels where slow is op, but that goes away, right?

    5) Is single priest grouping a reasonable thing to want? I know shamans can do this around level 60 due to slow being OP, but since slow gets weakened in later expansions, can they always do it? Can clerics or druids do it ever? (I usually play with PUG tanks)

    6) Cleric should take the lead here due to best single target healing output + reses. Shamans take second due to slow being needed on most fights, but on the fights where it isn't, you don't really want a shaman.

    7) I feel like this is where cleric fails. Being the 10th cleric on a raid just sounds boring. I'm going to be DPSing most fights. Druid is probably preferable here. They have better patch heals.

    submitted by /u/Zestyclose-Basket-48
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    Are rogues bad? 2 box options

    Posted: 21 May 2021 09:37 AM PDT

    So this is an honest question. I haven't played in 15 years up until about a week ago. Even back when I played regularly rogues were quite the rarity. Are they good or bad in terms of DPS and utility now?

    I've been boxing a shaman/monk duo with a tank and dps merc. It's a pretty nice combo as I have a premade group each play session. My goal is to level these two up to max (eventually), however, I've always been an altaholic.

    So in terms of a rogue, do they have any desirability in groups or raids nowadays? (playing on live currently). Are rogues meme characters now? If I were to roll one I'd duo him with another toon and mercs. Just looking for some input on the idea. Are they worth it and if so what would you run with one?

    submitted by /u/Chartreuse_Dragon
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    Are you going Mischief or Thornblade?

    Posted: 21 May 2021 02:06 AM PDT

    Are you going Mischief or Thornblade?

    A poll to give insight on where people plan to go, given there are two upcoming TLP servers with the same ruleset.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/M0rdresh
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    Lost in Freeport - Where can I bind?

    Posted: 21 May 2021 03:15 PM PDT

    Trio for povar server

    Posted: 21 May 2021 08:41 AM PDT

    Just looking to mess around on some ftp characters as I'm in between MMOs as none have anything new going on.

    I'm looking to do a unconventional group tho. Thinking monk as main, maybe an enchanter and then what would be cool for a third? Shaman? Druid? Paladin? I'm up for suggestions but like I said I'd like it to be a somewhat unorthodox group. All three will have a Merc each too so I could roll a warrior and cleric Merc and maybe a third as wizzy or rogue or something. Thanks for the help!

    submitted by /u/Lilluc06
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