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    Monday, May 24, 2021

    Everquest Mischief/Thornblade Release and Complaint Megathread

    Everquest Mischief/Thornblade Release and Complaint Megathread

    Mischief/Thornblade Release and Complaint Megathread

    Posted: 24 May 2021 09:36 AM PDT

    Recruitment Thread

    On Wednesday May 26th, the Mischief and Thornblade servers will be launching using the new mischief ruleset, along side free trade and unlimited true-boxing. The server will open at Noon Pacific on May 26th - https://twitter.com/everquest/status/1396913559532195842

    Ahead of the launch, we would like to remind you of two rules (below) - comments violating these rules will be removed and repeat offenders will catch escalating suspensions from the subreddit. Complaining about Darkpaw and their service is fine, complaining about how they don't take care of X Y Z problem is fine. But it will be kept to this thread only unless there is a major issue which requires its own thread.

    • Be civil to each other, that is to say please refrain from using hateful language toward others. If you insist that your argument is important, then it's important enough to take to tells (private messages.)

    • In keeping with the first rule, we will not allow "drama posts" about people, players or guilds. This includes no out of context cherry picking of logs and/or screenshots. Provide context or provide nothing.

    So what isn't allowed? Drama threads. If you have a problem with a person or a group of people or a guild, this isn't the place for it. This isn't a server board from 2000. There is also a zero tolerance policy for hate speech.

    Mischief Ruleset FAQ:

    • What does Free Trade mean?
      • It means most drops are tradeable, there are very few items with the "NO TRADE" tag
    • What is Random Loot?
      • The details aren't overly clear, loot will drop in level tiers from "rare monster" flagged NPCs from a shared loot table of items from the other "rare monsters" in that tier.
    • When is Mischief launching?
      • May 26th
    • What are the boxing rules?
      • Truebox, 1 client per device
    • How long do expansions take to unlock?
      • 2mo non Level Cap increase, 3mo Level Cap increase
      • Classic 1mo, Kunark 2mo, LDoN 1mo
    • Official Darkpaw Announcement Thread
    • Where can I find some cool EverQuest resources?
    submitted by /u/Tobris
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    Discussing the thrills of lava pit deaths in Sol A on “Return to EverQuest!”

    Posted: 24 May 2021 06:59 AM PDT

    Found this recently....Omens Of War pack in.

    Posted: 24 May 2021 08:08 AM PDT

    Necro or Ranger Mischief/Thornblade TLP

    Posted: 24 May 2021 09:38 PM PDT

    I'm struggling to pick a main for this new TLP adventure and with it only being a day or so away I think its time to ask for advice.

    I love the utility that a necro has, especially FD, but I'm kinda sad to hear the recent DoT revamp doesn't take effect until TSS. So I assume raid DPS is pretty meh up until then? If I end up playing past PoP I'm thinking the necro's ability to solo will be a big boon as server population starts to diminish too. I played a necro on p99 and when HoT was the latest expansion so they aren't completely foreign.

    I've never played a ranger at all so they are a bit of a mystery to me but I did main a SK back in the day and the hybrid gameplay was always a good time. I know they are basically tanks with utility and mediocre dps up until Luclin/PoP but how are they after that? We all know monks are broken af but from some posts I've seen (without actual numbers backing them up) rangers apparently go back to being trash after PoP. I was hoping "trash" just meant no longer top spot but still impressive.

    With all that said, I'm basically looking for a satisfying class to play past PoP that is still able to pull their weight DPS wise. I don't care if I top the chart but I also don't enjoy being at the bottom when my role is supposed to be a damage dealer of some sort. This main will also be accompanied by a box Druid if that helps create a clearer picture.

    Thanks for reading my wall of indecision!

    submitted by /u/The_Masked_Bandito
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    Sk/Clr or Rng/Clr or Sham

    Posted: 24 May 2021 03:47 PM PDT

    Hello all trying to pick a two box for thornblade friend is going Ench Wiz and i need to play a tank / healer is Ranger good enough tank or should i go pure tank?

    submitted by /u/Viric
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    Best 2 box with a shaman

    Posted: 24 May 2021 06:36 PM PDT

    My shaman is finally lvl 80 on FV and now things are getting difficult. I'm currently using a tank merc to help fight while I focus on the heals. Any ideas on a box that I could add to the group? I know people are gonna suggest a shadownight but Im looking for something different.

    submitted by /u/fadedcatkiller
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    First time player looking to play monk

    Posted: 24 May 2021 05:59 PM PDT

    I am a first time player looking to play with a buddy. He is going to make a magician or necromancer and I am going to try out monk. I hear you have to be pretty knowledgeable of zones because you are a "puller" when you play monk. Can I just punch things and hang out with some dudes or am I going to make most groups mad by getting lost/dying a lot? I hear the community has been doing this for about 20 years and they are pretty hardcore a lot of the time.

    Edit: I forgot to mention this is for the new TLP server.

    submitted by /u/PizzaDay
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    Wizard VS Mage

    Posted: 24 May 2021 09:54 AM PDT

    Wizards, a raid class, ports, resist are mitigated by de-buffers.

    Magician, grouping class, pets offer sustained DPS even if damage spells are resisted.

    So if I have zero desire to raid, Mage is better choice.

    The thing is, I'd probably just go with a Wizard, but I prefer grouping over soloing.

    Is my reasoning flawed?

    submitted by /u/weezersleezer
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    What second class goes best with Bard?

    Posted: 24 May 2021 04:42 AM PDT

    Another returning player here. I never really played a bard when I played in the past but since I came back a few months ago I have been having a lot of fun with them. Got him to level 70. I guess I have two questions. First how hard will it be playing a bard without defiant gear since they have built in instruments? And second I'm planning on firing up the old laptop to two box on the new servers and was wondering what would be best to run on the second box to go with bard. Thanks in advance for the advice.

    submitted by /u/uthal34
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    Rogue Summon Dagger Items?

    Posted: 24 May 2021 04:24 AM PDT

    What are the different Rogue items that can summon daggers?

    I have The Guardian Pouch. I forget which expansion it's from. But I think it's quite out of date for a lvl 115.

    Can someone link some higher-level summon dagger items so I can look em up?


    submitted by /u/PrimitiveEarthling
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