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    Tuesday, May 25, 2021

    Everquest Is this actually worth anything?

    Everquest Is this actually worth anything?

    Is this actually worth anything?

    Posted: 25 May 2021 01:09 PM PDT

    Quick PSA for people starting on Mischief/Thornblade

    Posted: 25 May 2021 11:59 AM PDT

    Free trade doesn't mean epic parts will be free trade. At least every epic has one bottleneck part that's still going to be no trade under FV rules. If you have any concerns about whether a part is droppable, make a level 1 on FV and search /buyer for the pieces in the Bazaar, if they don't appear, they're no trade. Edited with a few more key epic bottlenecks. Just to burst some bubbles, the following items are definitely no trade:

    • Undead Dragongut Strings

    • Kedge Backbone

    • Blue Crystal Staff and all of the staves for Wizard 1.0

    • Chromodrac Gut

    • Swirling Sphere of Color

    • Shattered Emerald of Corruption

    • Pearlescent Shards

    • Decrepit Hide

    • Spiroc Wingblade

    • Ball of Everliving Golem

    • Head of a Prince, along with the other three drops for the Fourth Piece of the Staff

    • Child's Tear

    • Manisi Herb

    • All of the drops from the Rogue epic, however, are tradeable.

    submitted by /u/Tanthiel
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    A visual representation of the new company preparing for tomorrow's launch. God speed, EG7

    Posted: 25 May 2021 04:58 PM PDT

    If I play on Aradune with a brand new account, will I have access to the Vet AAs/Rewards when their given expansion is unlocked? Even with new account?

    Posted: 25 May 2021 08:24 PM PDT

    I've heard some conflicting accounts on this. I've heard yes they unlocked vet stuff for everyone but some say not on TLP.

    submitted by /u/synuto
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    Exp penalties?

    Posted: 25 May 2021 03:04 PM PDT

    Hey guys, quick question for tomorows TLP

    Will there be a reduction in EXP for hybrid classes and certain races like on p99?


    submitted by /u/ConsequenceExisting6
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    Need Help - Old Player That Never Went Over Lvl 20 Returning to Mischief

    Posted: 25 May 2021 02:19 PM PDT

    I'm needing help/advice on picking a class. I played EQ in junior high while sharing a PC with my family of 6. Eventually me and the little bro caused such an uproar fighting over a Slime Coated Harpoon he wagered me that mom canceled the subscription (Jan 2001).

    I always loved EQ, I'm now in my 30s, and clocked 23 hours this weekend on last year's TLP (just randomly picked one). However, I have NEVER been a part of a large or small group, never partaken in a "raid" besides standing in Blackburrow and getting trainwrecked, and never really done anything but solo in the low levels.

    I've already consumed a ton of information via wiki's to get reacquainted, but I'm now more focused on trying something new that will help prepare me to group with folks. But I need to be able to add value to those groups via class and position all while being someone that hasn't ever done it much.

    Please don't just say "just pick a class and do whatever you want" as I'm not a try-hard looking to min/max I just don't want to be a puller (as an example) if I've never even darkened the door of some of these zones, you know?

    TL;DR - I am returning to EQ via Mischief and have only ever solo'd way back in the day. I need help with a good class to focus on to learn and hopefully eventually get into groups/raids with folks to add value to more experienced players. Any help/advice on picking a class?

    submitted by /u/feernot
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    Can't get game to play on dedicated video card, help, please.

    Posted: 25 May 2021 11:38 AM PDT

    I am playing on an Asus RoG laptop that is about 3 /12 years old. It has a Geforce GTX 960m but since it is a laptop most programs default to the integrated chip to save battery. From the windows side of things I have EQ launcher set to run with the Geforce but when I am logged into the game it shows that it is running off the integrated chip, and it shows in the performance. Obviously even the integrated chip can still run the game fine but it runs it no better than a computer I used 10 years ago. Does anyone have any ideas?

    submitted by /u/Elegant-Let8280
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    Will Mischief be NA based? Will lag be a problem?

    Posted: 25 May 2021 10:55 AM PDT

    Will mischief servers be NA based and therefore lag be an issue for me? (im in EU) so wondering what class best to play

    submitted by /u/Nevzat666
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    State of the game - "live" questions

    Posted: 25 May 2021 02:47 PM PDT

    Some basic questions... I know it changes throughout expansions, but I am asking for information as related to the current expansion. Idea here is to start on mischief and continue to live. Please consider the questions in reference to fighting max level and highest tier group fighting of named mobs (which seems to be the biggest obstacle).

    Is enchanter cc ever neccesary, or are bards the undeniable better pick? Last I checked bards were better single pullers.

    Is slow neccessary for names fights?

    Do merc tanks handle their own, or are proper tanks needed?

    Are clerics worthwhile, or are merc clerics good enough?

    What is mandatory for a group? If I am going to 2-3 box, what must I do to be successful? Tank + puller (bard or monk maybe), and mercs? Anything else needed, such as snare or slow? Just aiming to be successful here. Previously playing necro I could root rot and get exp, but a named spawn would ruin my little party and I'd have to give up... trying to overcome this hassle.

    submitted by /u/Lordship_Mern
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    Of Mischief free trade and classes

    Posted: 25 May 2021 06:42 AM PDT

    Considering free trade, what class(es) would benefit the most?

    submitted by /u/Caibek
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    I was thinking of returning.. but i've just learned that you can buy plat with RL money...???

    Posted: 25 May 2021 05:05 PM PDT

    Is that true? So the progression servers are going to be pay to win essentially, with no trade restrictions lifted... it is essentially a cash shop server?

    If that's the case i have no interest in playing. What a dissapointment, please tell me that's not the case.


    submitted by /u/Nevzat666
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    On progression servers, do bards get QOL with songs now?

    Posted: 25 May 2021 10:59 AM PDT

    I remembered "twisting" was horrendous, but loved the popularity that came with being a bard due to their rarity.

    Are song twistings easier now for bards, or will this not come in until later expansions?

    submitted by /u/Nevzat666
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    Another I can't decide on class post!

    Posted: 25 May 2021 10:33 AM PDT

    Help! Can't decide between Wizzie, Necro or Mage on new TLP's. I've been telling myself I want to play a wizard, but the reality is I will probably solo a lot which makes me think wizzie may be tough.

    Then I look to mage and I know it will be soloable, but something (I don't know what) pulls me away from it.

    In my heart of hearts I am a necro player. I love the class, its utility and ability to solo. But, I have made and leveled approximately 1 bajillion necros so am hesitant to make another. I know I would still have fun with it though.

    Help me decide! Thank you :)

    submitted by /u/Jackrabbit-slim
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