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    Wednesday, June 9, 2021

    Everquest Plots, houses, trophies

    Everquest Plots, houses, trophies

    Plots, houses, trophies

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 07:47 AM PDT

    Can anyone please explain these to me? I was no longer playing EQ when they came out. I have come back have a ranger and shaman leveled up to 111 now, but haven't looked into this yet. But now I am wondering if I might be leaving an important buff on the table by not doing it. I have earned a few trophies on my way, they are just sitting in the bank. I just don't have a clue how much it costs, if it is worth the cost etc. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/coleslawcat
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    Monk Race Question

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 08:15 AM PDT

    Is it worth waiting for Kunark to be an Iksar Monk or is the difference not a big deal? I know I wanna wait till Kunark to make a Necro because there is a huge difference so I was wondering if Monk is the same way.

    submitted by /u/SpartanRobz
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    Locked out of account, cant set up 2Step Auth?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 09:44 AM PDT

    Hey! I created an account 2 days ago to return to the game after nearly 20 years and play with a friend. Got an evening of play in, and then I tried to log in to my account last night, but after doing so I get a notification of "UNUSUAL ACTIVITY" detected on my account. The splash screen then links me to the webpage account security settings to set up 2 Step Authentication.

    When I try to do this and answer my security question, I input my mobile number, then receive "We are unable to update your security settings. Please try again later."

    When I've tried again 'later' (???) I just receive the same error. Its been over 24h now and still failing.

    I've submitted a support ticket, but it has not been updated. Does anyone have a solution/workaround to this? Thanks for the help.

    submitted by /u/Zolerath
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    Question: Gift of Legacies Lost

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 07:37 AM PDT

    I would like to verify, if the claim reward "Gift of Legacies Lost" is per character or per account? i just checked and i have 999 claims on it.

    submitted by /u/Icynrvna
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    A good partner for a Shadowknight

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 07:35 AM PDT

    I am running a shadowknight and was wonder what a good fit for a second Character would be. I am thinking Shaman, but am open to other suggestions. Will mostly be 2 boxing, but my wife will also be playing the second character from time to time, so something relatively easy to play.

    submitted by /u/wingman43487
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    Shaman Epic 1.0 help

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 10:36 AM PDT

    I've been doing my shammy epic, following the eq-progression guide at https://www.eqprogression.com/shaman-1-0-epic-quest/ step by step. I'm on the step to turn in the Dire Black pelt, but it is not letting me. The spirit will not take the pelt and my faction is at 400. I've followed all the steps in order and gotten all the faction increases, but it looks like I might need 500 to turn in this step. Is there anything else I can do to raise faction? I tried repeating the earlier steps and still get xp, but no faction gains, and at this point I'm stuck. Any idea? HELP!

    submitted by /u/rwilkinson77
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    Ogre racial a must have on mischief?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 07:53 AM PDT

    Just started a human sk, wondering if I should re roll ogre for stats/stun immunity or stay human? Picked bertox deity but really have no idea.

    submitted by /u/SSflake
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    Are 100-115 monks reasonable DPS ?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 03:35 PM PDT

    I recently returned to EQ after a few years away. I saw some comments about monks putting up low damage from 2-3 years ago, to the point that people stopped playing the class. I figured I would check and see if this got corrected or not.

    I don't need to be #1 by any means. I'd just like to make sure the class is in a reasonable place before I invest the time to leveling one.

    Thank you for any insight.

    submitted by /u/Hidden1000
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    Met a halfling druid today named "Hairy Porter", what's the best toon name you've seen on the new TLP's?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 04:52 PM PDT

    What content can me and my friends do before we have to join a guild to raid? (Mischief)

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 10:17 AM PDT

    This is my first ever Everquest character so I don't know anything about late game.

    We have mage cleric Enchanter Shadow knight Shaman Wizard

    submitted by /u/Bawlze
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    Warrior or Shadow Knight Mischief

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 05:51 PM PDT

    Hey everybody! I want to start a tank on the new server but I'm not sure which one to be. I think I'm more into Warrior but people say they aren't good in groups. On the other hand people say Shadow Knights are the best for groups so I just want to see and hear what you guys thought and let me know your input. Thank you!

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/SpartanRobz
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    Seb Heritage - can a Grp of mid 85’s handle the trash?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 09:20 AM PDT

    On reg live server -

    Was wondering if my Grp could handle Seb this week. 83 Sk // 83 Nec - 88 Sham -

    Cleric merc / mage merc and rog merc .

    So how hard do they hit ? SK has defiant , some CoA gear and some other LvL 80-

    Is this doable for yard trash ?

    submitted by /u/StillBurningInside
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    Honor among farmers?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 11:59 AM PDT

    Throughout groups on my time on Mischief, I've seen tons of mixed opinion on honoring low level (sub-40) rare camps by high level players. Some people will origin if they a rare is camped, others will DPS-race, and some have their own rules -- like purposely KSing boxers or leaving exp groups alone.

    I remember a few nights ago someone mentioned a mage joining was spotted KSing Garanel. I thought about it, and I really couldn't be mustered to care. Are farm camps always a DPS race?

    submitted by /u/ayylmao31
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    Plane of Hate Classic TLP (thornblade)

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 05:02 PM PDT

    I noticed a few older posts but couldn't see a reference to player levels and couldn't comment as post was archived. I'm in a small casual guild and it's unlikely we'll be able to complete raids. What sort of numbers would we need to be able to break into hate and farm trash mobs, we would likely have only 1/2 tanks, 1 enchanter and possible 1/2 clerics and some dps (monk/necro/mage) all at 50. Wed probably have between 6-9 people available.

    I read a guide on the mobs in regards to what is charmable, high MR mobs etc. so happy with that.

    Can you Zone in using an agent of change if you don't have a wizard available? If you can and wipe,how do you get back up? Is the Zone in safe or will you need to fight as soon as you zone in? Can trash be farmed with 1 group during classic era? I haven't completed hate since 2001 so don't remember much.


    submitted by /u/beecee1983
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    Versatile Melee Class?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 04:36 PM PDT

    I decided to roll an enchanter on Mischief and I'm really enjoying it. I like having an active role with a lot of tools to use for different situations when I'm grouping. Now I want to roll a melee class that I plan to eventually main when I start raiding, any suggestions? I'm leaning towards one of the hybrid classes because I figure the spells add a lot of variety to the gameplay. And hopefully a class with some longevity that isn't particularly terrible in any of the expansions coming in the near future.

    submitted by /u/poster69420
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