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    Everquest Early Everquest story to share

    Everquest Early Everquest story to share

    Early Everquest story to share

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 07:08 AM PDT

    The story I am about to share goes way back to the early days of EQ. So early that the view of the world was still through the "porthole" interface.

    My first toon was a Ranger named Jolon. This particular Saturday morning Jolon was repeating a quest (I forget which) that required him to run back and forth from Qeynos to Surefall Glade. Emerging from Surefall into Qeynos Hills I turned on my Tracking and saw listed a name I wasn't familiar with, Pyzjn. So I proceeded to track em down and see what/who this was. To my surprise I was attacked by Pyzjn and had a VERY close fight but came out as the victor. After looting I turned to continue my journey only to discover a Necro standing nearby exclaiming that I had "Kill stole his mob". I informed him that I tracked the NPC and it attacked me without the necro even being nearby, so how could I have KS'd his mob if he was no where in sight? He reasoned that "everyone in the zone knew he had been hunting Pyzjn for 3 days straight" and that he was looking for the GBS drop. Note: At the time I had no idea what a GBS was. So I checked my inventory to discover that I had indeed looted a Glowing Black Stone. I told him he did drop the GBS which was met with "no you didnt". Not particularly fond of being called a liar I placed the GBS in a trade window to show him. His next words were very haunting, he said "Give it to me or I will go kill myself". It was at this point I decided to distance myself from this caustic person. I told him "nothing is worth killing yourself over. Especially, in a game." and I left to complete my quest without any further words exchanged.

    I logged out after completing my quest and being rather depressed about the encounter. I researched the GBS only to discover that it was indeed a rare mob and it was his rare drop. Further, at the time it was one of the only wearable items that had an animation. What made this mob so mysterious wasn't just his loot. No one seemed to know the place holder or method of . The prevailing theory was Varsoon the undying or a chain of placeholders one after the other.

    So logging back into the Qeynos Hills I tracked down Varsoon and engaged him. This is where it gets strange. I was suddenly ported to the middle of the zone. Shrugging it off I tracked down Varsoon again and was again ported to the middle of the zone. This time I was sent a message in a color I hadnt seen in chat. This person had identified that he/she was a GM and was helping another player get a GBS that they had been hunting for 3 days straight, and to please NOT kill Varsoon until after this player has. I then told the "GM" that I was the Ranger that killed Pyzjn. He/she said that they had watched me get the kill, that it was a legitimate kill and they felt bad for the necro that had been camping Pyzjn for so long. Relieved that a GM said it was "a legitimate kill" I ran off to continue my adventures.

    Later it had dawned on me whether that was an ethical thing for a GM to do.

    End of my story

    submitted by /u/Caibek
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    Beastlord or Beastpeasant?

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 11:22 AM PDT

    Just started on Mangler a few days ago as an Iksar Beastlord. I have a few questions, I am currently lvl 12.

    1) Is there a good guide to beastlords? I feel as I am doing it wrong, my pet dies fast, unless I tank, then I just start dying instead. Are beastlord Pets more supposed to DPS while i take the brunt of the mobs?

    2) Is the first pet just relatively weak and they get noticeably stronger as i level up to new ones?

    3) I am currently just using Kurn's tower, where should i probably go next?

    Thanks for help guys and girls!

    submitted by /u/Not_Eazy_Being_G_Zee
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    Very bad player, solo only, f2p, no boxing

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 06:03 AM PDT

    Of three beginner friendly, pet classes (Beastlord, Mage, Necromancer), which one is the easiest to play. It has less spells, smaller hot bar...

    I'm very very rusty, very slow, solo only player, that never knows which spells are better than other. I'm just going to level slow and try to enjoy the game until I hit the wall. I'm always way way under-powered... You should see, how I'm dying in a starting, tutorial zone! lol Forgot to mention, on live server. Also, what merc would be best fit, for it, healer or tank?

    So which class would be most suitable for me, of the three?

    submitted by /u/vinotok
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