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    Saturday, June 6, 2020

    Everquest Made Solusek Ro's shield to decorate my shop!

    Everquest Made Solusek Ro's shield to decorate my shop!

    Made Solusek Ro's shield to decorate my shop!

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 03:46 PM PDT

    If you missed last night's EQFC fight (Dain vs Tormax)

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 03:10 PM PDT

    Can enchanters solo to 110?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 12:35 PM PDT

    Just charming with a cleric merc. Is charm gutted on retail? If it can't be feasibly done how high can they get?

    submitted by /u/Reynoodlepoodle
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    Progression server for new player

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 03:12 PM PDT

    Hi all, I've never played EQ before and I'm interested in trying out a progression server or other type of server that will have decent enough numbers. Personally I'd like to be able to play from level 1 while still coming across people I could play with at least semi-regularly. Also one that bans multiboxing would be a plus (I find non-multibox servers are generally more sociable)

    Any other ideas are a bonus :)

    submitted by /u/Prodigle
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    Questions regarding FV Server. Also, can you still unlock the first Veteran Reward (Lesson) instantly by prepaying an account with a one year subscription?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 09:03 PM PDT

    Hello everyone!!

    I'm considering setting up a new account for a new character on Live (still undecided on server, though FV seems rather tempting since I've never been there); but since I'll be using a new account I won't have Lesson of the Devoted, which will be a little annoying especially at later levels and farming AA's.

    I remember you used to be able to pre-pay an account for a year with a one year subscription and that would instantly give you a one year entitlement thus unlocking the first veteran reward. Is this still possible? I'm asking because a friend told me they tried this a year ago and it didn't work.

    Would be great if this can be verified.

    And with regards to FV: what's everyone's thoughts on never being able to transfer out? The main reason I never played on FV was that I always wanted to have the option of changing servers just in case a group of friends decide to start playing the game again elsewhere. While I do already have another character on Live, it's my intent to make my upcoming character my new main as I slowly progress through all the expansions again on my own all the way to 115. Also, how's the economy on FV like? And how badly are say Epic 1's and key/flag mobs for all expansions up until (and including) PoP perma-camped? And is the "no item drops for grey con mobs" rule still in effect? I'm just wondering how all of this is going to affect me doing older quests as I level up. I understand that most items are not "NO DROP" and I can thus probably just buy them, but will I be expected to pay a premium for quest items for PoP and prior expansions? I'm just worried that I might have to start forking up a lot of plat to get items that I can no longer get to drop due to me out-levelling mobs; and if this is the case I'm obviously going to have to plan everything I want to solo well in advance.

    Even for zones which no longer require keys I'd very much like to get all the keys and flags again just for my own satisfaction. So I'm just wondering how FV's rulesets will affect all of this. Thank you everyone in advance for your help, and as always, suggestions are more than welcome!~

    submitted by /u/NaeniaEM
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    Gnomes and Tinkering

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 09:43 AM PDT

    Thinking about making a gnome, for the tinkering. But before I do, is tinkering "worth" it. I know worth is a personal thing, but can I make things to sell, that are useful to me. I was thinking gnome necro, would be on FV.

    submitted by /u/surgh
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    Dumb question.

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 07:22 PM PDT

    Two things. I logged into my first email account and there are no characters. Second. Where can I find the test server?

    submitted by /u/pumpjackORGASM
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    Best two box duo to partner with druid

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 04:43 PM PDT

    I'm going to try my hand at running two characters on the new tlp server and will be partnering with a druid. Any recommendations on a good duo to run?

    submitted by /u/hhdresden
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    Riz paladin no boxing gear question

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 12:47 PM PDT

    I'm playing in riz I'm up to level 14 dwarf paladin. My armor I got the. Scarab bp, bloodforge arms, some ringmail legs from UR drop. I'm saving for banded and jewelry.

    My question is what should I be looking for in a weapon? 1h and shield or 2h? I was thinking of paying for a port to qeynos to do the bloodforge hammer. Using a 2h so far feels bad as I don't feel like my hits are much more (if at all) than bronze axe + shield bash. Bloodforge hammer has good ratio and seems easy to get and it's magic which I'm guessing has to be important at some point.

    Any suggestions welcomed. I prefer quest stuff or stuff I can camp for buy I'm also okay with something to just save pp and buy.

    submitted by /u/RAMunch1031
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    Aradune Class Selection Help

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 08:47 AM PDT

    I've been doing a good amount of reading online about the different classes, but there's a lot of conflicting information due to guides being written at different time periods. Some of them are pre-nerf, some of them are post-nerf, and it's difficult to know if older information still holds true.

    With that said, I've narrowed down my class selection to the following, and have included some of the info I've found about each. Keep in mind that I'm a newb, so feel free to correct any of this information if it's wrong.

    What I'm looking for is a class that can reasonably perform at each aspect (solo, group, raid) of the game, but has more of an emphasis on group and raid content. I don't care about class complexity, as long as the added complexity actually translates into more desirability for group/raid content. Looking for more experienced players thoughts on what would be a good class to choose here.


    • Solo: Decent because of pet. Combat devolves into send pet in, throw mana efficient spells at a mob and hope it dies before your pet does. Rest. Rinse and repeat.
    • Group: Desirable due to high pet damage and sustain.
    • Raid: Not desirable. Only used for call of the hero, something called "MoTM" transfers the aggro from your pet to you, resulting in your mage getting turned into paste by the boss.
    • Cons: See raiding section.


    • Solo: Rough at the start until you can "quad kite" which I assume means that you spam an AoE spell at a mob pack while running them in circles.
    • Group: Undesirable because your spells aren't mana efficient and your sustainable damage is poor.
    • Raid: Desirable due to the long term damage on a boss.
    • Cons: See grouping section.


    • Solo: This one I've seen conflicting information for. Early on it looks like they're strong because they can use a charmed pet combined with their CC, but I've read that this falls off later. From what I can tell, they're still one of the strongest in this area.
    • Group: Required for CC, so in high demand.
    • Raid: Basically the same as above, required due to CC.
    • Cons: Half the server plays one at launch.


    • Solo: Mediocre early, strong later because you can slow a mob down and then tank it.
    • Group: Desirable for healing, slow and buffs (it seems in that order).
    • Raid: Desirable for buffs, slow and healing (it seems in that order).
    • Cons: Not a big fan of the playable races here, though barbarian seems alright. Soloing early seems like it might be rough, but that's only temporary.


    • Solo: It used to be strong, but apparently their kiting song was nerfed into oblivion. I haven't been able to find good information about how they perform here currently.
    • Group: Desirable due to songs and CC, and apparently they make a good puller.
    • Raid: Desirable due to songs.
    • Cons: It seems like their soloing capability has been gimped, but it's hard to tell with the information online.
    submitted by /u/L_a_z_o_r
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    How difficult is it to two box on one pc?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 04:16 AM PDT

    I am interested in trying this. Necro/Shaman box. How do you guys do it and how hard is it to do on one PC? P. S. On a TLP server Rizlona.

    submitted by /u/Artaniss
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    Question about boxing

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 10:15 AM PDT

    Is the second box supposed to run on full macros? Or you are to be looking at both boxes casting spells on both? Are there any assistant program that people uses, or how does this works? Or even a boxing guide, I hope my question makes sense 😁

    submitted by /u/rhasce
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    3 boxing on live

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 06:10 AM PDT

    I'm thinking of three boxing on live.

    How decent are tank mercs later in game?

    I know I need a slower but not sure what to box.

    submitted by /u/warthar
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