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    Saturday, August 22, 2020

    Everquest Do you feel like everquest is worth it's sub price compared to other mmorpgs. Going into 2020

    Everquest Do you feel like everquest is worth it's sub price compared to other mmorpgs. Going into 2020

    Do you feel like everquest is worth it's sub price compared to other mmorpgs. Going into 2020

    Posted: 22 Aug 2020 04:53 PM PDT

    Honest question. Even with the sub you still have to buy expansions for 35$. You even have to pay on top of that to glamour any items (transmog etc for 10$). Server crashes have been bad this weekend too, some players being rolled back hundreds of thousands of plat this weekend. So do you feel like your getting your monies worth. I'm starting to have second thoughts having played every mmorpg on the market o end game and wondering if their prices are worth it compared to a more stable and polished experience. Why do you stick around? I asked this question on the official forums and it was removed twice within minutes by their admins. General chat is a complete shit show right now on bristlebane with concerned players and some unsubbing and moving on. Everquest is an amazing game but I'm not so sure it's worth paying 15$ a month plus marketplace extra for features and paying for expansions compared to other games. What are your thoughts. I'll be that person. Don't hate on me personally for bringing it up because it's a huge topic now in game.

    Small edit: this post will draw alot of hate from veterans for sure. I'm aware and I'm fully ok taking the down votes. Someone has to ask this. Keep in mind this convo will be monitored by anyone who might be interested into everquest. I dare say I wouldn't be surprised if the post gets removed. Like the official forums. Positive only right? :]

    Another edit: some posts seen. I promise everquest doesn't = mature players. Alot of the people I encountered are playing off their parents account and their incredibly obnoxious in chat. You still get the same level of children in this mmorpg. It's actually more cringey then other mmorpgs because I've had some people offer me millions of plat just to group with them and help them level. Keep that in mind. The guild I joined had to let a few players go just this week because they were being extremely toxic and trying to use their parents plat to buy themselves into levels on general and groups.

    FINAL EDIT: after reading so many heart felt comments. My concerns was so overwhelmed by genuine people who play this game like myself. Not elitism, but actual people who care about the game. Honestly the comments here today swayed me pretty hard, about tlps and live and the game itself in general. I feel like a clown for having a lapse in daybreaks servers to look for an excuse to unsub. Not gonna lie. I thought Reddit was full of the try hards looking for nostalgia but I've seen alot of comments from old schools players that were extremely re assuring. The people who commented here today, despite me challenging you in my comments, are the real players.

    Daybreak will remove these kinda posts within minutes on the official forums I know because I made an attempt twice in a single day . They don't allow criticism or anything speaking too loudly on the forums. They will allow some grumpy ness but anything too thought provoking they will remove.

    submitted by /u/EvasiveDice
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    Just saying Hi to friends and people of Cazic-Thule server.

    Posted: 22 Aug 2020 09:29 PM PDT

    Koolmidx, Kaledar, Baelak, etc...

    I aren't playing lately cause other stuffs but Hi to all. Brell Serilis OG from 2000. Still alive, working hard, playing a lot of Terraria lately.

    Shout out DA SKUUUUURGE!!!!!!!

    I hope everyone's doing good. Knock on wood no one I know has the cooties yet.

    WTB winning lotto ticket! WTS CC debt.

    /1 Moo!

    submitted by /u/Koolmidx
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    Looking for a group

    Posted: 22 Aug 2020 08:52 PM PDT

    I am looking for a consistent to semi-consistent play group. Any server, any level that i can reach relatively on my own. I just want to play EQ with some friends for a while that we can BS on discord a bit and have fun. If anyone knows anywhere i can find that please let me know.

    submitted by /u/Ecdubz
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    Group Experience

    Posted: 22 Aug 2020 03:18 PM PDT

    On a live server, if my level 65 character groups with a level 50 char, will that reduce the amount of exp the lvl 50 gains per kill because the 65 is so much higher in level? Or would the level 50 get the same amount of exp per kill regardless of the person they group with? (Assuming it's close enough to get exp at all).

    submitted by /u/Kerafyrm1
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