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    Wednesday, November 4, 2020

    Everquest Received My Wurmslayer and Crested Mistmoore Shield Courtesy of u/Marcq16

    Everquest Received My Wurmslayer and Crested Mistmoore Shield Courtesy of u/Marcq16

    Received My Wurmslayer and Crested Mistmoore Shield Courtesy of u/Marcq16

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 04:19 PM PST

    Velious Agents of Change Guide

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 05:45 PM PST

    Fresh 100 sk tank

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 06:31 PM PST

    Hey all,

    Posted a while back for tips on how to level for my cousins and I.

    Thank you all for your help we've been doing Pretty well with Gribbles and got lucky with the bonus in October to get some levels.

    My Sks tanking has had some ups and downs, around 92 it seemed to dip .. iI was dropping faster but turned around at 95 96 Has weren't taking as long could tank up to 3 without much trouble. 97-100 were fine Dropped a little fast but was finnaly able to take the named mobs at the end, so that was exciting! so I invested some time and looked into armoring guides.

    Currently have some 100 HA dropped rings 5 pieces of castaway gear and 5 Dimensional warrior gear. Other slots are mainly lvl 95 group armor with marks of valor. lowest ac aug i think is 25ac a frightening salve the rest are all 30 to 45ac.

    Honestly just looking for some advice about Armor class bench marks to shoot for to make quality of life easier while tanking,

    Currently with self and merc buffs including Torrent of Agony (ac drain dot) and demand for power I'm at 99791 hp and 3028 ac.

    Of course higher is always better but what should one generally shoot for for group progression.

    Thanks! Sorry if this is a easily findable thread I've tried searching the googles.

    submitted by /u/backroomLurker
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