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    Thursday, January 28, 2021

    Everquest Trying to return and feel a bit overwhelmed

    Everquest Trying to return and feel a bit overwhelmed

    Trying to return and feel a bit overwhelmed

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 08:22 PM PST

    I played hardcore until Gate of Discord (2005?). Came back and messed around for a couple weeks in 2012. Last night I got intrigued by a random youtube EQ video and downloaded EQ again. Things look familiar yet so forgien.

    Took me a lot of server hopping last night to find out I for some reason moved my main characters to FV in 2012.

    1. Is FV a good server to stay on, for pick up group and guild raids if I ever get back to it? Or is everyone mostly molo and box now? My Bard main is lvl 80 with 1k AA (hey this was a lot of AAs back then!), also have 70 Ranger and 65 Clr on FV.

    . 2. How do I duo box now? I thought I used a tool in 2012 to duo. If I can recover an account I created and transfer my 80 SK and 80 Mag there in 2012, I want to box them.

    . 3. In 2012 there were free gears to claim, much better than my raid gear from 2005. Are there new free or easily obtainable upgrades now?

    submitted by /u/iMaJia3000
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    Trying to install EQ but DirectX download fails

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 08:43 PM PST

    It launches the DirectX installer and after about 10 seconds, I get a popup saying "Setup could not download the file. Please retry later or check network connection."

    Apparently the Microsoft page where you could previously download the web installer says it's no longer available.

    Anyone have any ideas? Launching the game says it cannot find d3dx9_43.dll, so I clearly must be able to install this older version of DirectX.

    submitted by /u/nukem2k5
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    anyone able to talk about how to do overseer currently

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 08:33 PM PST

    I understand do recruitment, and doing quests that get me what I want... however beyond that...

    there any difference between difficulties? should I prioritize higher rank quests over easy/common

    how should I deal with the recruited characters? I WAS doing conversations once I had 3 duplicates, but I just went over everything common that had more then 1 duplicate and then everything green that was a skill I rarely see need for, then blue that I had 2 in a skill I never see that high a need and 1 I never saw a need for at all,

    submitted by /u/alidan
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    Susspended and no recourse

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 11:50 AM PST

    I was suspended today with the reason Cheating, that's it, that's all it said, no back up evidence no extra comments, nothing.

    AFAIK, I have done nothing to cheat, my latest activity has been farming on Mangler to get the clicky shield from hate, I park myself outside of agro all all mobs so I can afk between kills, set a timer for 25 minutes and tab out, alarm goes off, I tab in, kill and repeat. It's highly contested area and I wouldn't put it past all the schmucks on the server to spite report a player. I park myself outside agro areas to specifically avoid getting tagged for unattended gameplay.

    This morning after camping for several hours, I decided to reinstall GINA with the downtime, I killed the place holder, tabbed out, installed gina and ran it, tabbed back to turn on logging and I was at the login screen. I try to login and get the suspended for cheating notice and my mailbox pops up a new email from a donotreply email that I'm suspended for cheating. All my other accounts that use the system are fine and not banned. Installing GINA probably took less than 5 minutes.

    Since they don't say what cheating they think I did, I have nothing but a spite report of my account as my best guess, gm came along, saw me standing there, may have /tell'ed me and I was tabbed out and didn't respond and boom suspended. But that's just a guess.

    *edit*Posting this to shed light on a process that DPG is doing that is giving the player no recourse or information on what they did, how am I supposed to know what not to do again in the future. With the account suspended, I can't even log into the support website to dispute, not that I expect that to work if I could because the website says that suspensions will not be lifted for any reason.

    *edit 2 - they actually responded*

    After reviewing your case it appears the account in question has been suspended for 7 days for unattended game play. We are confident in our findings and the account was not suspended in error.

    Players are required to respond to a GM at any point while a character appears to be active in-game. If you need to be away from the computer, we advise parking your character in an empty corner of the zone, or logging out.

    Please take care to abide by our policies when the suspension has lifted, as additional violations of this nature may result in further account action, which is honestly the last thing we'd want to do.

    What is the policy on AFK or Unattended Gameplay in EverQuest?

    Lead GM Emwon
    Customer Service Lead
    Daybreak Games
    *for all the trolls saying don't afk game play, as I said, 100% out of range of any spawning or patrolling mob, my alarm would go off, I would kill the spawned mob, then go back to afk without anything happening unattended while I was AFK

    submitted by /u/globeadue
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    Bard AA that lets songs affect an area?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 05:32 PM PST

    Hey all,

    Just back to playing an on a progression server, and when I last played, I had a Bard AA that would let my songs affect an area, not just my group. I can't seem to find it now. was it removed or am I just bad at searching? Anyone remember the name? thanks.

    submitted by /u/Dangerflirt
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