• Breaking News

    Monday, February 22, 2021

    Everquest Made a few more EQ related signs for all you wonderful Druids out there!

    Everquest Made a few more EQ related signs for all you wonderful Druids out there!

    Made a few more EQ related signs for all you wonderful Druids out there!

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 05:54 PM PST

    1st set of the 1999 Player Guide Stories (Raw Photo's)

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 03:14 AM PST

    Growing my EQ collection

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 08:24 PM PST

    Decided to fill up some shelf space in the game room with EQ goodness. I've picked up pretty much all the physical releases but the copy of "Everquest Chronicles Volume One" physical release looks like it might have been repackaged. Does anyone have photos of what the physical release is supposed to look like and what it comes with? I can't find actual pics anywhere, it's all stock images. Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/rabbitrun03
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    Best server for returning veteran

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 07:29 PM PST

    I started playing EQ back in 1999 when I got my very first computer and internet access. Now those days were a struggle (dialup ftw!) I can still remember what I was eating when I lagged my way off the edge of the tree city in Kelethin the first time (pizza hot pockets ofc lol)! Anyway, I'm getting ready to build a new custom pc (I haven't been able to afford a new one in years) and I'm looking to get back into EQ again. I might be interested in a TLPS if there's at least one server with enough active players to not make it necessary to box. I'm also looking for a guild if anyone could recommend one that also does the latest content and doesn't mind piggybacking to get me caught up.

    Thanks in advance!

    Edit : My current server is Bertox but I'm fine with transferring servers or starting over if necessary.

    Edit 2: I should probably mention that my playtime is CST.

    submitted by /u/Automatic-End9533
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    Class Discussion - LDoN and GoD

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 05:01 PM PST


    I play on an emulated server that is currently up to LoY with plans to eventually go to OoW, albeit very slowly (an expansion every year or two). It's a boxing server, allowing players to 3-box. I play in a raiding guild that clears Time once a week and dabble in the elemental gods and VT for alt loot. Overall, my guild is very gear saturated while waiting for expansions due to the long time between them. I'm not saying this is a bad thing, but wanted to set the stage.

    When I played live I was a filthy casual and didn't raid so I have little to no experience with LDoN or GoD. I'm aware during live GoD was nearly unplayable, but with all the TLPs coming out, I imagine players have a good grasp on what these servers are like in the modern day with guilds raiding and farming successfully.

    LDoN will likely be released this year on my server and I'm trying to decide what classes to invest in with the change in meta from both the augs as well as the melee revamp (disciplines being purchased, endurance, separate timers, etc). I'm trying to plan ahead for GoD as well too.

    Any discussion from people who have played through these expansions on TLPs would be appreciated. What classes rocked during this era and had a large impact on groups and raids?


    Edit: RoF2 client, AA's from current era so POP only.

    submitted by /u/AbyssalStalker
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    Can't find EQ guild Recruitment sticky

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 07:28 AM PST

    Played EQ wayyy back when but I was too young to remember anything. I made a character on Aradune and I'm looking for some sort of guild recruitment page. Should I just be using the EQ main website?

    submitted by /u/Anniegoespew
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    TLP Mage Gear

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 12:43 AM PST

    I'm leveling a mage on aradune. Is there any 'must have' gear I should farm as a I level?

    If I can get some plat, what are the items I should look for in the bazaar?


    submitted by /u/cottonhill50
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