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    Wednesday, March 17, 2021

    Everquest Ruins of Kunark comic with lore on the expansion! Super cool find on EBay!

    Everquest Ruins of Kunark comic with lore on the expansion! Super cool find on EBay!

    Ruins of Kunark comic with lore on the expansion! Super cool find on EBay!

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 10:49 AM PDT

    Returning SK looking for dps rotation guide? Is that a thing?

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 04:01 PM PDT

    Hey all,

    I'm a 108 SK looking for a dps spell rotation or something along those lines for solo/molo play? Does that even exist? I've found some ancient stuff on old SK sites but I'm not sure if it's worth looking at. I don't have a whole lot of time to play, but would like to jump in for a little bit, get some XP, but also have an efficient spell line up to kill stuff. I heard from somewhere that SKs were having their dot line revamped or something? I can imagine I need to review my spells to see if I have the latest ones?

    Also, is 2.0 sk epic worth getting and is it soloable?

    Any help would be amazing, sorry if this is a repost or something.


    submitted by /u/VexThull
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    New Necro on FV....

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 08:16 AM PDT

    OK, started a new necro on FV, Grizumpy, any newb/returning player friendly guilds out there ?

    submitted by /u/Generic-User-01
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    small 4-man raids?

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 07:22 PM PDT

    I am on aradune and have a few friends that play with me. We don't have flexible schedules to join any raiding guilds that would work with our timeframe. Obviously I know we can't do major raids, but is there any low level raids or content we can do that would net us some decent no trade loot?

    We have 2 mages, a Druid, and a cleric.

    submitted by /u/ShextMe
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    A Kunark Guide: Bard Epic

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 08:49 AM PDT


    Hey! I make these vids for P99 players, though I try and keep them somewhat not Project 1999 specific. I wanted to know if the general EQ community would enjoy more like these?

    I scrapped my other vids as I've built a pc that can make vids in higher resolution. I saved this one to get a feeler as to if people would like more of these before I start over.

    Like it? Which Epic 1.0 would you like to see next?


    submitted by /u/MichaelPants
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    Refining my Box setup, TLP suggestions please.

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 05:04 PM PDT

    Sorry if it's tl:dr but trying to cover everything to get proper suggestions.

    RSS has been really testing the efficiency of my box setup. Playing on TLP with no mercs. Raid geared Ranger as Main and Shaman box. These guys have been playing together the entire time and I want to keep the shaman. I recently added a Mage as a box and enjoyed it a bit, Rng/Shm/Mag being my 3 fav classes.

    Went into RSS to try to get runes for 69/70 spells. I can kill the mobs and named so not too worried about that. However, when the pressure is on, especially with adds, I found myself not even touching my mage and getting my ass whooped. Focus needs to be on either getting aggro and rooting. Then it's tough on the Shaman to try to slow everything and heal at the same time. So thinking about dropping the mage.

    I am not particularly trying to setup for just RSS but it has been revealing my weaknesses, that the mage wasn't really doing anything.

    On the mages account I do have a 70 Cleric and 55 Dru. Ran the cleric for a bit in MPG and got a few runes it was nice having him heal so Shaman can slow and dot. Shaman uses Lingering Sloth and recently learned about Druids Reptile Skin. I was thinking it might be fun to stack both on the ranger and have the dru heal when the shaman is putting stronger slows and then I can go dot crazy.

    Thinking between Cleric, leveling Druid or Enchanter for 3rd box. Bard would be good but my setup with limited space isnt optimal and I feel I wont be able to use a bard effectively with that setup. As the Ranger filling the tank/dps role he can tank most group content, so I am looking to adjust towards difficult environments than singular mobs.

    I am leaning towards leveling an Enchanter. I know Enc/Shm will overlap on debuffs but that's fine. I can split it up. Pulling with root CC is something I am used to, keep that in mind. But sudden or unexpected adds are problematic as usual in higher lvl zones. Having Mez and Stun will help with what's lacking, healing mobs being a real pain for Rng/Shm.

    As I mentioned it's not to particularly tailor to RSS but as I continue to explore more content with my setup, every expansions OoW+ is all new to me. I already got the clr so he can be on standby if needed to fight harder named. But between having a Dru with reptile (not sure how reliable reptile is) to help heal while Shaman slows and have more damage or Enchanter utility with less DPS (not planning charming besides DC)

    Edit: How is the 68 Dodh spell Echoing Madness for ENC and its reliability to help with adds? What would you recommend?

    submitted by /u/GhostIsItsownGenre
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    [Live servers] Most important AAs for F2P accounts?

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 02:26 AM PDT

    It's pretty tough to know which AAs I should get when F2P accounts have a cap.

    • My Druid is pure F2P with a cap of 250 AAs

    • My Shadow Knight is on a silver account with (I believe?) a cap of 1000 AAs

    I'll probably end up subscribing both accounts in the future, thus removing the cap, but as of now I am staying F2P and would like suggestions on where to spend my points.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Froyo3652
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    Are named NPC respawn rates still the same?

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 09:52 AM PDT

    Hello. Vet player from Kunark through Omens. With all of the different server types these days, are NPC (named and not) respawn rates adjusted in any way?

    I recall hour and even days for named NPCs back in the day.


    submitted by /u/Bsooks
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