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    Thursday, April 8, 2021

    Everquest Help me pinpoint my memory please

    Everquest Help me pinpoint my memory please

    Help me pinpoint my memory please

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 12:04 PM PDT

    Hello everyone, I don't play Everquest anymore but I used to play as a kid with my Grandfather who passed away a couple years ago. I remembered he had a character that was an Ogre Shadow knight he had made when the game came out and played him till he migrated over to EQ2 after the SoL expansion. I always loved the armor that character had growing up. The helmet was very reminiscent of an uruk-hai helmet from the Lord of the Rings the Two Towers movie and the armor was dark or black and had an image similar to a skull on the breast plate. I've tried some general Google searches and wikis but to no avail to find this armor. I dont really have time to play this game anymore but I really just want a screenshot of an ogre with this attire so I can maybe do some art in my spare time. What was the armor called? Does it still exist in the game? Can anyone help me?

    submitted by /u/Septimblade
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    Anniversary quest.

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 12:37 PM PDT

    We know about the black burrow feather and augs. Does the butcher block quest have any good drops?

    submitted by /u/Crafty-Cauliflower-6
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    Looking for a casual / social guild on FV

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 10:29 AM PDT

    FV seems like a decent place to play but i'd like to find a guild of people to chat with while i molo my way up. Preferably an active casual and or social guild as i'm not really into raiding but it's something i could look into later.

    I havent seriously played since they added the Lost Dungeons, so 2003 give or take. So lots of content i'd like to see.

    For now i'm working on a beastlord but i'd like to do a bard too at some point.

    My in game name is Lokye.


    submitted by /u/lokiie1984
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    Shadow knights mash and burn

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 10:11 AM PDT

    Been playing alot for the last year and am 115 on a live server. I'm finally starting to do mash keys and using disc's alot. I'm looking for input on how you guys set up tanking and burning. I have bash on auto.

    1. Burning- Do any of the Visage stack with spire? Would a good mash key be like Spire Visage Blade discs Pet swarm Anything else you would add to do most dmg?

    2. Mash taps- I'm thinking of having all my taps, bond , and bites on one key with spear. Any reason not to?

    Obviously you always want to spam thwart

    Is there anything else you mash? Like do you do a defensive disc mash for those situations like Shieldflash Defelction Geomantra Mantle carapace unholy? Knowing it will pick the next open open?

    Does leachcurse stack with epic? Does BP? Blood coated?

    As I working in being maximally effective I'd love some answers!

    submitted by /u/Crafty-Cauliflower-6
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    The Difficult Second Episode

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 03:52 AM PDT

    Easter has come to Norrath, birds are singing, bunnies are... "hopping" and Zlandicar returns from the dead!!!

    But don't worry those Mighty Cheevin' Power Rangers are here to save the day!

    Well most of them..

    The Black Ranger is Missing (Presumed Napping) so The Silver Ranger joins the Team.

    Meanwhile the Pink Ranger just really wants to push her one button..

    Catch Episode 2 of Mighty Cheevin Power Rangers before we move to OnlyFans dot com

    The Mighty Cheevin Power Rangers, now with 33% less prologue, 50% more backstory and in lieu of better commentary we opted for a sleep dep inspired karaoke session...

    Everybodies got choices man!

    Contains Some NSFW Language

    Mighty Cheevin Power Rangers - 5 Man - Zlandicar (Aradune Server) - YouTube

    submitted by /u/llcooltom
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